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He was a popular guy every girl would dream to date. He look perfect in everyone's eyes but no one know that he's a coward. Just like any other people he have weaknesses and when it comes about being honest with himself he failed. There's one girl he has been keeping his eyes for. She's not like any other girls that lined up to be his girlfriend but she attracted his attention. She's a scholarship student and everyone looked down to students like them but he didn't.

Being the nerd person she always looks cute in his eyes. He decided not to do anything about it because it's maybe just something that people called as crush in college but then an opportunity came..


"Let's make a bet." Aaron glanced at me grinning and Leo sat right next to me.

"You need to get a girlfriend before you graduate." Aaron added looking at me.

"Hah. No fun. He can get whoever he want in the whole college." Leo huffed and stopped talking as if thinking. It was right at that moment when Miqaila passed by. A huge grins appeared on Leo's mouth as he pointed to her, "How about that nerd over there? I'll treat you a meal everyday for a month if you win this bet. Be her boyfriend for a week." Leo said but none of it reached my ears. Who cares about meals? I'm not a beggar. I have enough money to buy myself meals for months. All my attention was directed to Miqaila.. The person I've silently have a crush.

I wouldn't ever dare to approach her but I'm that kind of person who cannot be challenged. Taking it as a challenge I agreed but one thing they didn't know.. I'm not agreeing to them because of this challenge but it's all because it's her, Miqaila. The bet is like a confidence booster and I managed to ask her out.


He started dating her as a challenge but since the very first second he's with her there's nothing fake about his feelings towards her. His words genuinely left his mouth. The tingling sensation when they're holding hand. Truth to be told he did realize that she has been sneaking a glance at him sometimes.


Recap From Chapter 3

Miqaila: If u say so.. Fine. 5pm tomorrow?

Me: Deal. So umm..

I typed 'I miss you' and hesitantly pressed the sent button.

Me: I miss you

As soon I pressed it I felt like smacking myself right on the head. Why am I being cheesy. We just met yesterday. Realizing she didn't read it yet I quickly delete it. Cold sweat ran down my body and my heartbeat accelerated. Did she saw it?

This message was deleted.

I waited as I stared at the words typing..

Miqaila: What's that?

Her text made me relieved and I took a deep breath before replying to her.

Me: Nothing. It's quiet late. You should go to sleep.

Miqaila: You too.

Me: See u tomorrow, goodnight ❤

I was still hesitating whether I shoul put the emoji or not but I guess it's fine since we're in relationship right? I eagerly waited for her reply.

Me: Goodnight too ❤

That one last reply from her made warmness spread all over my body tingling all the way to my stomach and heated up my face.

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