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"have you made your choice, jaemin?"

the young angel nodded, intertwining his hand with donghyuck's petite one.

jaemin and donghyuck were both sat on haechan's bed, donghyuck's body leaning against jaemin's because of exhaustion.

the head angel had finally arrived to fulfil jaemin's wish.

"sleep, baby..." jaemin whispered, two of his fingers closing donghyuck's eyes slowly as the human magically fell into a deep slumber.

"what did you choose?" the head angel asked, his heart clenching at the way jaemin seemed to take care of the boy asleep in his arms as if he was the most fragile piece of porcelain.

"i'll give my angel live to revive him."

the head angel nodded slowly.

"are you sure you won't regret it?" he asked.

"i'm sure of nothing. but i can't keep living like this." jaemin replied. "i want my donghyuck back fully."

jaemin's heart was beating so fast in his chest.

he couldn't imagine he was about to lose his powers to revive his boyfriend.

he couldn't believe he was so close to achieving his goal.

or failing completely.

he needed to stay strong.

he needed to be sure of his choice.

he couldn't go back now.

he had made a choice, and it was the right one.

reviving donghyuck.

"come with me to the jinyang lake then. and bring your boyfriend." the head angel said, opening a portal.

"can i... huh... have one last minute alone with him...?" jaemin asked, looking between the head angel and his boyfriend. "please."

the older angel nodded, giving jaemin a sad smile.

"take as long as you need." he replied. "you know where to find me."

the old man disappeared inside the portal, making it close right after, and leaving jaemin alone in the silence of haechan's house.

donghyuck was fast asleep on the bed, and he wouldn't wake up so soon.

jaemin looked at his boyfriend's ethereal face, allowing his fingers to trace the contours of it.

he smiled, recalling every single moment they spent together before his death.

he smiled, recalling the very little time they had after his first revival.

and he smile, hoping he'll be able to spend the rest of his life together with him.

jaemin took in every detail of the boy's face one last time before sending him somewhere he wasn't sure he would meet him again.

the scene felt oh-so-familiar.

jaemin recalled himself throwing donghyuck's body at the life diving board as if it was yesterday.

he couldn't believe that he was there again, facing the same metaphorical situation.

his donghyuck, his demon, his human...

he would once again disappear somewhere jaemin wasn't sure he would see him again.

it was perhaps their last time together.

jaemin hoped it wasn't.

"i'm so sorry..." jaemin whispered, kissing the male's tanned forehead. "i hurt you so much... all i wanted was to make you happy... to make us happy... but i made everything worse..."

jaemin held back his tears with all his will.

he shouldn't cry.

not when he would see donghyuck again.

but was he sure he would see him again...?

"i love you..." jaemin smiled, lifting the boy up to kiss his lifeless lips.

the kiss wasn't reciprocated, but the simple feeling of his boyfriend's lips against his was enough for him to feel complete, and allow him to take the last step.

in a snap of fingers, jaemin opened a portal, and after picking donghyuck's body up, he walked right through it.

the head angel met him on the other side.

he placed donghyuck on a white king-sized bed, lying next to him as requested by the head angel.

and before jaemin could think about regretting anything, his eyelids closed, making his mind shut down completely.

it was finally the end...

and for real this time.


jaemin's eyes fluttered open as the boy slowly gained consciousness.

he sat up on the bed he was, looking around the room.

it was haechan's room.

a perfect replica of it – except the fact that it was very tidy.

jaemin then suddenly recalled why he had woken up.

his boyfriend's revival.

the boy turned around, seeing the peaceful face of his boyfriend still asleep.

a lump formed in his throat.

now was the moment of truth.

was this peaceful human being his boyfriend, donghyuck? or was it haechan?

jaemin sighed, allowing his hand to slide over the tanned skin of the human next to him.

he caressed the honey skin until he reached his shoulder, shaking the boy gently.

he didn't move right away.

jaemin shook his body a bit more firmly to wake him up.

and this time, it worked.

the boy's eyes shot open, as if he had been startled by this sudden awakening.

however, the first words that escaped his mouth made jaemin's heart drop inside his chest.

"fucking shit! don't shake me like that!"

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