The Art of Survival.

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"Are you sure this is necessary?"
CJ asked behind their shoulder.

Phil seemed pretty confident in his decision.

CJ was standing on the roof of the school with an elytra on their back. Phil had told them to jump off and glide to the football field.

"I uh...I think I should go back inside."
CJ said as they started to walk back inside.

"Oh no you don't."
Mrs. Puffy grabbed CJ's hand and led them back to the ledge.

"Isn't this illegal?"
CJ asked.

"Not in our universe."
Phil replied.


CJ took a deep breath and jumped...They spread their arms. The wind blew on their hair and they began to fly.
CJ let out a laugh of victory.

"I'm actually doing it!"

CJ glided down to the football field and landed with a thud.

"Well...I skinned my knee but it's better then jumping off a roof to my ultimate doom."

Phil landed next to CJ and smiled.
"Not bad mate..."

CJ smiled in return and walked with Phil inside.

"Time for P.E.!"
Sapnap greeted CJ when they got inside.

CJ ran to the gym and was greeted by loud music and the room divided into two groups.

"Alright guys, cisgenders on this side, gender expansives on that side!"

CJ gladly went to the gender expansive side.

"Okay class, today we're doing a dance off!"

The whole class cheered.

"First two students choose the music genre."

CJ and Cayden were up first.

"So...what genre should we do?"
Cayden asked.

"Hmmm...what about hyper pop?"

"...'hyper pop'...?"

"It's a sub genre."

"Can you name a few hyper pop songs?"

"Sure. Money Machine, Sugar Crash, Team, Spy, Stupid Horse, Honey I'm Home, Copycat, and a few more."

"Ohhhhhhh, so that's hyper pop."


The two told Sapnap their choice.

"Great choice. Hyper pop it is!"

CJ and Cayden's song was

CJ took the first win.

Ashton vs Hunter.


Ashton took the second win.

Trans kids 2, cis kids 0.

Koi vs Chloe.

Chloe got a point for the cis team.

Eventually it ended up being a score of 15 to 9
with the trans kids taking the victory.

"Great job guys! Tomorrow is a free day so i'll have the Nintendo Switch set up for the kids who want to play Just Dance."

Everyone said their goodbyes to Sapnap and headed to the cafeteria for dismissal.

"How was your day sweetie?"
Mom asked when CJ got into the car.

"It was awesome! We had a dance battle in P.E. today."

"I wish my school had done that."

"We can play Just Dance later if you want."


CJ smiled and plugged their phone into the aux.

"Alright mom, pop or indie rock?"



Levitating by Dua Lipa began filling the car with noise.

"Great song."
Mom said.


When they got home CJ went to their room and collapsed on their bed.
They got a text from Ranboo.

It read:
Hey, CJ.
I need you to tell your parents that the school is doing a field trip soon and that they'll need to sign some forms.

CJ texted back:

Well, we need to go on a trip for the next stage of training.

what's the stage?



It's ok CJ. We won't let anything happen to you.


I promise.

CJ told their parents about the fake field trip at dinner that night.
They agreed to sign the papers and let CJ go on the trip.

The next day Ranboo handed CJ fake field trip forms to give to their parents.

Ranboo nodded and CJ nodded in response.

Lunch time rolled around and CJ headed to the teachers lounge.

"So we are going to do actual training today, but we wanted to explain the survival field trip first."

CJ sat down and listened.

"The school is going on a 'break' for awhile considering we're all gonna be there watching you during your training. We're going to a remote island that Sam rigged with traps and challenges. We'll be there for a week and if anything happens to you we'll be there to help but we can't help you unless it gets to dangerous. Your goal is to find an eye of ender that we hid somewhere on the island. It'll be very difficult but we believe you can do it..."

"...I can do it."

"That's the spirit!"
Puffy said hugging CJ.

CJ giggled as Wilbur stood up and began explaining their training for the day.

"Today I teach you how to make, light, avoid, and survive TNT."




"We'll start off with lighting it, that's the easiest thing..."

CJ took a deep breath.

It took a few tries with the flint and steel but CJ finally lit the TNT.

The making TNT part got a little out of hand.
Many failed attempts were made.

Avoiding TNT got CJ hurt but they prevailed.

Surviving TNT was being saved for the 'field trip'.

"Alright you can head to class now."
Wilbur said after CJ was fully bandaged up.

CJ was annoyed with the man but they knew it was for a good reason that they needed to learn this stuff.

The day had arrived...

It was time to go on a field trip...

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