Meanwhile on the West side of Washington DC...
In the West End, just at DZ West's entrance, the door there opens up, and 3 Division agents walk out of it, all geared up with their weapons in their hands with the safety off. The 3 agents are a squad known as the Canine Squad, lead by Andrew Dashiel, also known as 'Hound'. The second agent is named Emily Keller, also known as 'Daschund'. The third and last agent is named Jax Rike, also known as 'Rottweiler'.
Andrew "Hound" Dashiel
Emily "Daschund" Keller
Gems of D.C. (Rebooted)
FanfictionA Steven Universe & The Division 2 crossover After arriving in Washington D.C. to eliminate threats and restore order, 2 Division Agents begin a journey to save Washington with other agents and with the aid of some extraterrestrial women.