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Sitting in my office , I stare out at the city. Being the CEO of the top most most company in India was not easy but I love my work. I'm a workaholic. 

                                                        (Abhimanyu's office)

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                                                        (Abhimanyu's office)

A knock on the door brings me out of my thoughts. 

'Come in ', I replied indifferently.

I looked up to see my PA - Stella walk in wearing a skimpy outfit that barely covered anything. Why did I hire her again? 

'Abhimnayu you have a meeting in 10 with Mr.Rai', I cringe at the nickname. 

' How many times have I told you to call me sir or Mr.Malhotra. We are in the office and you have to behave professionally ' ,I growled.

She looked a little scared but nevertheless she walked over to me and slowly places the file down on my desk giving me a full view of her chest. She then moves to place her hand on my shoulder but I immediately swat it away and stand up glaring up at her.

" This is an office and I take my work seriously . I don't have time for your stupid antics . You are fired", I yell at her.

'but-bu-i-i...', she stutters looking sacred with tears in her eyes. Without sparing a second glance at her i pick up the file and head toward the conference room for the meeting.


The meeting went on for two hours and we got the deal. It was 6pm now and I was just finishing up my work when my so called best friend- Nikhil Khurana barged in with a weird look on his face.

"why the hell is Stella crying her eyes out ..what did you do?", he asked suspiciously .

"I just fired her because I don't need sluts in my office". I say to which he rolls his eyes.

"That is why you are so riled up!  Anyways my most favorite lady has invited me for breakfast tomorrow." Great so now mom invites him but not me. Sometimes I really think that she likes Nikhil more than me.

"And why are you telling me this ?"I asked him shifting my focus back to the file I was reading.

"Just cuz", he shrugged.

"That's not an ans-" ,I begin to say but he cut me off. 

"Stop working for sometime Abhi babe. All work and no play will make you a dull boy." ,he whines like a kid. I'm really questioning some of the choices I have made lately.

'I have told you a million times to stop calling me babe also I am a man and not a boy. And don't you think you should be working instead of disturbing me .' I asked him.

""you are no fun and for your information i am done for the day and was just leaving."

"Great I'm done too lets go", I said grabbing my stuff.

We headed out of the office and went to the basement taking my private elevator . I bid him goodbye and got into my car and drove home.

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                                                                          (Abhi's car)


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