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Abhimanyu's POV

Its  been more than 4hrs since they left. They should be home by now.  Also what surprises me the most is that my card has not been swiped even once. I get a message whenever my card is used but I haven't received a single message till now. 

I'm about to call Alia when I hear the door open. I rush downstairs to find Alia, Meera with Reyansh in her arms and Nikhil. 

"What are you doing here ", I ask Nikhil. 

"We met Nikhil outside and he was gracious enough to carry our bags", Alia replies. Indeed, he was drowned under their bags. Rey is playing with Meera's hair as she tries to make him sit on the couch.

"How much did you buy? I'm sure Abhi's bank account is empty by now," Nikhil groans. 

I make a mental note to call the bank and ask them if there is any technical issue. I dint get any notifications indicating that my card was used. Meera excuses herself and goes to her room while we all sit in the living room. 

"Oh shit", Alia yells.

"What happened ", Nikhil asks .

"Sorry, I have a test tomorrow and I completely forgot about it. What will I do now, I don't know anything", she whines.

"Why are you fretting so much over a test , nothing will happen if you fail one", Nikhil says lightly.

"You wont understand. It is very important. I need to ace all the tests to get an internship in M&K Hospitals. I dint study anything, who will help me", Alia says.

"Ask Meera for help na", Nikhil says.

"Yes, of course. I dint think of that at all. My books are in the car only. Ill get them", saying this she runs and gets her books and heads upstairs to Meera's room.

Nikhil leaves after sometime and I put Reyansh to sleep. I then cross check and it is confirmed that my card wasn't used today. Who is Meera really?

I call my PI :

"Yes boss", he answers the phone,

"I want everything you can get on Meera Singhania in an hour", I say and cut the phone.


After an hour I get a message from the PI will all the details about Meera. I go my balcony and  open the document . It reads:

Name: Meera Singhania

Born: 19th September ,1994 

Age: 27 years

 Nationality:  British, shifted to India 5 years ago.  So this explains her accent

Parents: Ranveer Singhania and Neetu Singhania(deceased)

Education: Graduated from Oxford University and did her masters in India.

Occupation: Cardiologist and co-owner of M&K hospitals along with Karan Rathore.

 Her education is impressive, so she's smart. She is the owner of M&K Hospitals. Then she is very rich on her own. She hardly needs my money then why did she marry me?

Just as I finished reading the document which had more details including her bank details. I was right she is very rich, not as much as me but she is not far behind. There are also a few photos but before I get the chance to look at them, my phone rings and its the PI:

"You must have seen the document by now . I must say, she's very beautiful"

"Don't talk about her like that and the information is not much though"

"This is all I could find. A lot of it is hidden by someone else and I have my suspicions on one person"

"Who is it"

"Nathan Carter", he says. Rumor has it that his father William Carter has ties with the mafia and is involved in a lot of illegal business. His son Nathan was always under the radar and no one knows much about him. Their family is also one of the top businesses in Britain.

"And why is that"

"Meera used to be friends with Nathan. I don't know if they were just friends or more but there are a few pictures, the only ones I could find. They can be interpreted in either way. They look very close though. But we don't know where he is now, he has been missing for years. I'm not even sure how he looks now."

"ok, the money will be transferred to your account", saying this, I cut the phone.

I look at the pictures. There are a group of 7 people, Meera and Karan both are a part of it. The second one just has Meera and another man- Nathan Carter , they are holding hands and walking on the street. The third one has Meera, Karan , Nathan and one more girl. Meera is standing against Nathan with his arms around her.  Why are they standing so close, I don't like it.

She shifted to India 5 years ago after her mother's death with her dad and Karan, and has not been in touch with any of her friends in London. She is also the owner of a very popular hospital but is never in the limelight, its always Karan who turns up for fancy events. She also had ties with Nathan Carter . The most important question is that why did she marry me?

I'm going to find out , because you , Mrs. Meera Abhimanyu Malhotra intrigue me.


Another chapter is up.

A lot of new things happened , we got to know a little more about Meera.

More secrets are going to be revealed. Stay tuned to find out.

Also for my next book I have two ideas. The first one is a cricket fanfiction and the other is a story with modern royalty. Both are romance. Which should I write and publish first. Pls let me know in the comments.

stay home, stay safe.



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