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Meera's POV

I slowly open my eyes and look around at the unfamiliar surroundings. It takes a moment for me to register everything. Suddenly everything comes rushing back. I snap my head towards Abhi, he looks the same. I look down to see that I'm still holding his hand , I let it go and stand up stretching my body which is extremely sore from the uncomfortable position I slept in. 

I open my phone to check the time. Its 6am and visiting hours don't start till 7. I just sit and stare at him, he looks so lifeless . 

"Hey, you have been unconscious for around 10 hours. I miss you so much, so please get up. I miss your smile and I cant believe I'm saying this but I even miss your stupid smirks ." I'm just hoping to get some reaction but I don't get anything. I sigh and kiss his forehead. 

After a few minutes the doctor comes in. He has to run some tests and then the nurse has to change the dressings so they ask me to wait for some time. 

While I'm waiting outside ma, Alia and Adi arrive. 

"How's he, did he wake up", ma asks looking hopeful.

I shake my head," The doctor is in there, running a few tests, then we'll know"

"Meera  beta you go home for sometime, freshen up and comeback. I'm sure you haven't even eaten anything. Thodi der baad aa jaana", ma says.

"No I'm not leaving him, what if he wakes up and I'm fine, I'm not hungry". I say shaking my head.

"Bhabi if you don't eat anything you'll fall sick and when Bhai gets up and finds out he won't like it. Alia will go with you, plus we are here if anything happen we'll call you immediately"

I reluctantly agree. Alia and I head home. I enter our room and everything reminds of Abhi. I quickly take a shower which makes me fell a lot better. I put on a pale blue kurti and brush my hair. I go downstairs. Alia is in the kitchen. She hands me a plate with sandwiches and a cup of coffee.

I start eating slowly, not really having any appetite. As I'm munching on my sandwiches my phone starts to ring. Nikhil is calling me, probably to ask about Abhi. I answer it:

N: Hello, Meera you are at you house right?

M: Yeah, what happened?

N: So uncle and I are trying to take care Reyansh but he's not listening to us and is constantly              asking for you and Abhi. Can you come here?

M: Yes, sure. I'll be there in 15mins.

N: cool, bye

I disconnect the call and somehow finish eating. Then Alia and I leave for the Malhotra mansion.

The moment we enter Nikhil comes rushing towards us with a teary Reyansh in his arms.

"Thank god you are here. I love him a lot but he's a mini devil, exactly like Abhi. Talking about Abhi never tell him that I said that", Nikhil says seriously handing Reyansh to me. Despite myself I chuckle lightly. 

Looking at Rey now I feel bad or leaving him. It looks likes he has been crying for a long time. 

He fists the cloth of my dress and places his head on my shoulder. He stays like that for a few minutes then lifts his head and looks at me with teary eyes . I wipe his tears and kiss his cheek which makes him giggle. At least he is in a better mood now. 

I then make him sit in his chair and make him eat his food. Soon after that he falls asleep .

I go to the hospital again. Abhi is still the same, though his wounds are healing steadily. 

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