Chapter 61

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I came in hospital right now, because I really didn't feel so well since last 3 weeks and I just want to have some check up with our private doctor and everyone was still sleeping in Mansion and I get out so early and leave my sleepy husband because I can't take it anymore and take a check up to know my illness

Then I start to get in at our private doctor office and she also saw us and smile then I smile widely at her and close the door and we walk towards to each other and hug each other

"It's been awhile tzuyu" doc Kim said and we broke the hug

"Yeah it's been awhile" I said while smiling and we start to seat at the chair

"So what Mrs. Kim brought here?" She tease and I Chuckle a little

"I just want to have some check up, because this past 3 weeks, I really not feeling well and I even drink medicine, I also craving for foods that I really doesn't like, I start to vomit too and I didn't know the reason" I said while looking at her and she start to think

"Ohh, I know the solution for that, wait up" she said and start to stand up and pick up something on her cabinet and start to get back to her seat and seat there

"Use this" she said and show me an pregnancy test and it was made me look at her

"There's a lot of signs that you telling me right now was that you really pregnant but we can be so sure if you use this" she said and I nod and grab it and left my shoulder bag at the table and start to get in at her bathroom and start putting my urine at the pregnancy test

Then I just wait

One line means I'm not pregnant but when it's turn two lines it means I'm pregnant

Then I start to get out from the bathroom and walk towards on her with a teary eyes and give it to her and she stand up and look at it

"Oh my God!" She said and hug me and I hug her back and I start to tear up because of the news

"They really need to know this Tzuyu" she said while holding my both hands and I nodded with a smile

"I'm soooo Happy for you tzuyu-ah, I'm really proud for you and Taehyung..and for sure if they already know this, they will be so happy and cry too, and your husband will be the happiest guy in the world if he knows this" she said and I nodded again, I can't speak because of this test I did for us


"Congratulations madame" my assistant said who is inside of the car that we already reach the mansion and she already know the news and I smile at her

"Thank you so much" i said and the guard open the car door for me and I start to get out and walk towards to the mansion

While holding my tummy

Then I start walking upstairs and get in to our bedroom and close the door

Then I found my husband standing and looks panicking while holding his phone and looks calling someone

"Hon" i said while smiling and tearing up because of the news that I will give to him

Then he immediately turn around and found me and he immediately walk towards on me and hold my both arms

"Where did you go? Do you know that I wake up everyone here to ask if they see you? And I really panicking earlier when I wake up that you are not beside me" he said and he really looks so panic and I just smile

"No need to panic hon, I'm just fine"

"Then why are you crying?" He said while holding my hand now



"Are you ready to be a daddy?" I said while looking at him and tearing up and I saw how he looks so confuse right now

"I came in hospital earlier because I feeling not well, and our doctor give me an pregnancy test and it was reveal that I'm pregnant for 2 months tae" I said that I already crying and I saw how he looks so shock and he hug me tightly and I also did the same

"Tzuyu, I'm so speechless, I don't know how to react right now because of the good news you give to me, I love you very much tzuyu, I really love you" he said and I just Chuckle and we broke the hug and he kiss me longingly and we broke it apart and he kiss my forehead and too

"Thank you tzuyu for giving this best gift for our family, thank you so much" he said who is already tearing too and I just smile

"It's really what you want and I grand your wish hon" I said and he chuckled

"Let's tell this to others, and for sure they are will be so shock" Taehyung said but I stop him first

"Tell them to wear nice clothes and we going to have a family picture with them and my pregnancy revelation will be happen this day" I said

"So, we going to surprise them?" He ask and I nod and he smile and we hug each other again


I will continue this tomorrow 😘

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