Chapter 3

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I'm really bored here at the mansion and when I always got at school there's a bodyguards around me and he truly didn't allow me to escape

Even when I'm inside of the classroom, that two bodyguards was with me and I feel so embarrassed because sometimes my classmates was looking at me..

But right now, it's holiday so I just stay here at the house but he was not here and the maid just tell me that he go to his work..

Well his work is just to be a mafia king, killing people, torturing people, and being so bad person

I just playing games in my phone right now, when I remember what the maid give to me earlier, it was a letter from him and I just put down my phone and grab the letter..

Then I open it to read what he wrote here...


*I can't get out at house without his permission
*I'm not allowed to go at his room
*I'm not allow to touch some things that his own
*I always need to obey him
*Don't help the maids
*Don't invite some friends

Wtf is this?! I can't invite my friends?! Is he crazy?! Why I can't invite my friends here?!

Then he just let me stay at my house that I can invite my friends..

Then I just crumble it and trow it at the trash can..

Then I grab my phone, then I saw my wallpaper, which is my twin sister who died three years ago because of this mafia thingy..

That's why I really hate mafia because they are the reason why my twin died

She was so kind not like me, I'm stubborn child to my parents, and I'm rude and Sally which is my twin sister was so kind and she really understand me and she loves giving a advice to me

I've been asking myself when I always see her picture if she is ok at the heaven, is she saw me right now, and if she feel so sad for me that our parents let me marry with a mafia who also part of those people kill her..

But I promise to you sally, I will take a revenge for your death, i will obey his works to me and just to take a revenge to you

They take you away from me and I will do more hurtful things that they did to you

A tear drop my eyes when I remembering her and I just wipe it and just turn off my phone and my laptop and I put it at the table and just lay at the bed and close my eyes to let me remember my memories with my sister....


I finally got home and I just ask the maid who is assist to look for tzuyu and I ask her if tzuyu already get out from her room since earlier and she told me yes

But she Continues saying that she is just staying at her room since she eat her lunch..

And she also hear her that she was sobbing and saw Crying..

Why is she crying? And what's that for? She miss her parents?

Then I just go upstairs and I going to knock at her door when I saw it's open and I just get in and look at her and found her sleeping while her back was facing my position right now....

Then I just walk towards to see her face

Then I seat at the chair and look at her face..

She truly looks like her...

If Sally didn't died, her sister won't suffer like this, I'm not use to say sorry to someone since she died, she was my Everything but that damn mafia leader kill her and I really want to take a revenge on them and kill them immediately..

But they found that Sally have a twin sister and she was their next target and I need to take care of this girl

I know tzuyu was really Special to Sally, everytime that Sally was with me, she keep mentioning her to me and they truly different to each other even they are twins....

Sally told me about her that she was stubborn child and sometimes rude towards to Olders..

She was kinda strong person while Sally is soft person, she was easily to get hurt but this girl that I looking right now was very different

I realized it when I stalking tzuyu and when she knows that she was living here like she was living in hell...

But a strong woman like her, can also feel hurt and cry just like what the maid explain to me....

Is she missing her twin? And if it's true, then it's will good because we are same.....

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