eighteen | end

821 56 238

warnings: police



After checking Wilbur's apartment and confirming that his "drugs" were, in fact, testosterone, the police officer drove the boys to Phil's house. Since Tommy was a minor involved in a police report, a guardian had to be informed.

Apparently, Phil had seen the flashing lights from his bedroom, and so had Techno, the two of them nearly tripping on each other a dozen times to get to the door.

"What the hell happened?" Phil asked, approaching the vehicle rapidly, locking hands with Wilbur, the son closest to the side of the car facing the curb.

"We got an ill-informed police report, filed by your youngest son, about the other supposedly being in possession of illegal substances," the police officer said. "These claims turned out to be false, after the older of the two informed him that the substances were testosterone, rather than anything illegal or harmful."

Phil's brain seemed to visually short-circuit, taking its time to process the new information.

"Wait, wait, wait, you thought Wilbur was on drugs?" Phil asked eventually.

"Yeah," Tommy mumbled, hiding his face in embarrassment.

"And he's still on testosterone?" Phil confirmed. He paused when Techno's hand rested on his shoulder.

"Of course he is," Techno said quietly. "He's transitioning, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah," Phil said distantly, shaking his head to clear it. "Okay, um, thank you, can I take them, now?"

"Go ahead," the officer said, promptly getting back in her car and driving away as soon as both boys were out of the backseat.

Wilbur wrapped his arms around the shorter brother, who smiled sheepishly. Phil pulled the two of them into his own hug, burying them in his clothing. He eventually snapped his wrist out and caught Techno's hand, forcing him to join, whether he wanted to or not.

"Please don't ever do illegal things. That police car nearly gave me a heart attack," Phil said, slowly pulling away.

"I am so legal," Tommy said. "I am the law."

Wilbur snorted, ruffling Tommy's hair, who protested. Phil led all three sons into his house.

"You can go back to your apartment, later, Wil. And Tommy, I think you ought to get your stuff and come back home, alright?" Phil said, setting a parameter that was more of a statement than a request.

Tommy agreed quickly, and Wilbur decided he wanted to stay the night, anyways. He was emotionally drained after the quick peak in stress of the day, and frankly, he missed being with his family all the time.


Phil quietly had a realization that night. It was slow, like a sunrise, stretching warm light over his mind until the full idea dawned.

His son was really serious about transitioning. He'd been iffy about it for a while, genuinely not sure if he should believe him or not, but seeing that he was still on his testosterone after so long? Maybe this really was where he was comfortable. Maybe it had all just been this long, complex journey that Phil didn't have the capacity to understand. Maybe that was okay.

As he lay in the bed, silent, just thinking, he came to remember that he was really fucking proud of Wilbur. He'd navigated a concept that was hard to settle with. His son knew the dangers and hardship that might come with his reality, but he faced it, went with it, didn't complain much. Hell, Phil felt shitty that he was a part of the problem at all.

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