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A/N: so this one is kind of short and experimental - I wanted to mess around with more... bold? stuff and focus on the actual smut part. have a nice time and please read the ending A/N! <3

Prokris is sent by Artemis to hunt down Medusa. Instead, she gets caught, edged and fucked. 

It wasn't easy to be the chosen one. Especially, the chosen one of Artemis. Yes, it was a gift, the greatest one a mortal woman could get, however hunting down Medusa herself was probably more of a curse. Prokris would lie if she had to say she wasn't scared. She was brave and confident, all huntresses should be, but this didn't change the fact that her moves were shaky, her breath way too fast and the grip on the bow so hard, her knuckles were completely white.

She entered the ruins nevertheless, in complete silence, her footsteps so delicate even the leaves under her feet didn't dare to make a sound. Even the wind was louder than her breath. It was howling, flying inside of the high, dark walls of Medusa's garden.

It was actually quite a beautiful place, especially the area of the gate. Prokris continued forward, looking around cautiously. The grass quickly turned into stone bricks under her feet. The paving was clearly very old, small bushes growing in every crack. The huntress sped up, still without any sound, and stopped only in front of the fountain. She tried not to focus on the old sculpture of a kid on the top of the fountain and the way its face was twisted in a terrified scream. She took a deep breath and took the mirror out of her pocket.

And suddenly she wasn't alone anymore.

She felt it before she heard it. It was on the ground, brushing against her leg, slowly. And Prokris screamed, jumping and impulsively turning around, already out of breath and scared out of her mind. She shot the arrow from her bow immediately, closing her eyes.

Everything was silent again, but this time her breath was erratic. She opened her eyes after another minute, one after another, only to see a squirrel's corpse in the growing pond of blood. She sighed, still relieved but disappointed. The huntress crouched on the ground, putting the bow aside and reaching to take the silver, slim arrow out of the carcass.

It went out smoothly.

"You came" the sudden voice was low, appearing directly behind her back.

This time Prokris reacted immediately, squeezing her eyes shut and grabbing the bow, but it quickly turned out futile as the woman behind her stepped on the huntress's hand. She was so fast, using Prokris's moment of shock and throwing the bow away.

The huntress jumped up, standing on her feet and grabbing the dagger, swinging it around.

"Wrong direction, honey" the voice appeared once again behind the huntress.

Prokris turned around and jumped in its direction, trying to find some way to gain back control and win despite using no eyes. And that was when she heard the hissing. It was quiet and therefore even more terrifying. She could only imagine its source - hundreds of snakes on Medusa's head, meandering and brushing against each other, sticking out the long tongues and the sharp teeth. Getting hungry because of her blood.

However, Prokris knew she had to use them. She focused her senses on the hissing, trying to form an image of the environment in her mind. It was really vague, yet she still managed to somehow place the most important landmarks. Now, she only had to fight.

"The difference between us is that you are a monster. I am the divine huntress, Medusa" her voice was confident and powerful once again. But that didn't stop Medusa from laughing mockingly.

The laughter was loud and shrill, piercing every cell of Prokris's body, making her feel dizzy. It was like distorted music, in a way beautiful in its scariness. She tried not to think about it. Instead, she attacked, the swings of her dagger fast but precise. She moved after the sound, landing some hits, but they were too shallow, too delicate.

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