Chapter 2

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We woke up very hungover. Neither one of us could even process what happened last night. We both laid on the beach for about an hour after separating from our previous cuddling position. I started feeling better and wandered into the forest to try and find some drinkable water. I found a small stream and collected some into a leaf. I kept drinking the water until I felt better. I then led Lucas to the stream so he could drink too. "Thank you" He said his voice hoarse. "Yep" I responded walked further into the forest. He followed silently. I turned around and said "Why were you so mean to me on the plane?" "I don't know" He carelessly responded. I was still mad that he hadn't apologized for punching me in the face. As I kept walking I found a tree that had bananas on it. "Hey look" I said pointing to the tree. "I don't like bananas" Lucas said stomping his foot on the ground. "Woah you're acting childish today" I said. "I was doing an impression of you" He said laughing. "But I like bananas" I said confused. "Of course you do..." He said trialing off. "What's that supposed to mean" I questioned. "Oh nothing..." He said before turning around and going back to the beach. When I got back with a bunch of bananas i threw one at him. "Eat this" I commanded. "Nope" He said turning around so he wasn't looking in my direction. "Fine you can starve" I said not caring. "I'm going out in the water to try and find a survival kit or something" He said walking into the water. He finally walked far enough the he had to swim. After a couple of minutes he was out of sight. After about an hour I started to get nervous, but then I saw his head. There was a second one. "Hey! What did you find" I shouted over the noise of the waves. "Not what, who" He shouted back. The two came onto the shore. It was Amelia Anderson. Couldn't have been anyone else... Well at least we aren't alone anymore, but at what cost. "Thank God you found me. I was so scared" She said out of breath. "Yeah Thank God" I said back somewhat sarcastically. Lucas knew how much I hated her, but that didn't stop him from making us do EVERYTHING together. He would always say "You two go get wood" or "You two go get more bananas" and when i would ask him to come too he would have some excuse. As the days went on she got even more annoying. She had developed this skewed idea that I had a crush on her. Can you even imagine. ME HAVING A CRUSH ON AMELIA ANDERSON. No thank you. I tried to ignore her most of the time but it was hard with Lucas always making us do things together. I decided i would finally try to talk to him in a nice way about it. That didn't work. He ended up leaving bruises all over my body. DIRTY MIND!!!! He was punching me, but this time he apologized. I don't know why I felt as though that made it ok, but for some reason to me. It did. After about a week he stopped making us do things together. Fortunately for us Amelia didn't like bananas so much that she would rather starve. There was nothing else on the island beside poisonous berries. She finally did starve to death and that was the end of Amelia A being on the island with us. I was somewhat sad because now it was just me and Lucas again. After a bout a month of her being gone he started being nicer to me. Today I went to get more bananas and Lucas came with me. He has been eating the bananas despite the fact that he said he didn't like them. We were almost there when he said let's play tag and tapped me then started running. I agreed and ran after him. We ran all over the island and when i finally sight him he ending up falling over. So I was on top of him. "Ha I'm not a bottom" I shouted with joy. Before I could even process he had flipped over and now he was on top. "Not for long" He said getting up and walking away. I was all flustered now and couldn't even remember what I was doing. After a solid 10 minutes I stood up to get more bananas and as i was walking through the forest i saw a little pool. It was just a small hole in the ground, but I thought I might as well try to get clean. I took off my glasses and my clothes. Without my glasses I couldn't really see much but I could see enough to know where the pool was. I jumped in and started washing my hair. I went over to the side where i had put my clothes to wipe my eyes and accidentally dropped my glasses in the water. I went u see and tried to look for them. When i opened my eyes I saw Lucas also in the pool. He was naked... I found my glasses and put them on for reasons I don't need to explain, then i pretended to not care he was there. I did care, but I'm not gay. Am I?

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