Chapter 2: The Joker

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Gakudo Pov:

After running through the halls avoiding attacks from these weird looking enemies, we finally got to somewhere safe, the summon chamber. We locked the doors, but it might not hold for long anyways. I sat down, resting my body against the wall. No one has died yet, but I don't think we can fight for much longer. The servants were now starting to become weary and very injured. Her options were few and she could do now is to endure this seemingly endless number of enemies

"Losing hope are we." a voice said.

The voice was definitely not Mash's. I quickly stood up and slowly started to circle around the room ready to shoot whoever is doing this.

"So the magus chosen to save humanity is feeling a bit hopeless. Where is that courage that you shown back then when you are fighting against those singularities? Hm, seems like I overestimated you." the voice taunted. I clench my teeth in anger and tried not to lose it. Mash look at me with a worried look and it seems that I'm the only one who is hearing the voice.

"Are you really going to lose after all you have worked for?"

There was a loud thumping on the door, their here. Mash rushed over to the door and prepared for the impact.

"Are you really going to give up? Come on answer that proves that you're not just a little coward that uses her servants or should I say tools to do her dirty work."

Gakudo slammed the wall with her fist with all her might. The sound of the impact echoed throughout the summoning chamber. 

"I'm not giving up not now, not ever. Humanity is depending on our success, even if fate is against us. I will succeed for the sake of everyone. One more thing, don't you dare tell me that servants are tools, they are much more than that. They are people." Mash's shield begins to emit a dark red aura from it and it flies out of Mash's hands to the middle of the room.

"So you made your resolve then. Guess it's my time to come. Hey Master, throw your saint quartz at the shield."

Gakudo grab the three last saint quartz she had in her pocket and chucked them at the shield. As they make impact with the shield, a red pillar of light burst forth into the sky. Appearing from the light was a man winged in a red suit and black pants. The shadows bust open the door, but as they enter they were filled with fear at the sight of the new servant. With snap of his fingers all of shadows were devoured by the servant's power. Mash and Gakudo looked at his power with amazement.

 Mash and Gakudo looked at his power with amazement

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Gakudo looks at his data and parameters.

Servant: Arsene Raoul Lupin

Class: Assassin

Parameters: Strength: C, Endurance: D, Agility: B, Mana: A, Np: Ex

Noble Phantasms: Sinful Shell, Phantom Show, Wings of Rebellion

Class Skills: Presence Concealment, Independent Action

Personal Skills: Third Eye, Thief of Hearts, God Slayer

The servant walked towards Gakudo and said, "Greetings Master, I'm Arsene Raoul Lupin, phantom thief of France, assassin class at your service."

"So before we introduce ourselves I have one question. Was necessary to taunt me like?"

"Um yeah cause your resolve was the key to unlocking my cell. So that's why-" Gakudo interrupts him with a punch in the gut.

"Taunting me is your biggest mistake. And the one to judge you for it is my fist." And then she ora ora ora him longer than Jotaro did to Dan of Steel.

-Velvet Room-

Gakudo entered the Velvet Room while dragging Arsene's half dead body with her. As she sits down across from Sieg and Igor she "gently" throws Arsene on a couch beside them. "Um Master, what happened to him?" Sieg asked.

"She beat me too a pulp." Arsene moaned as he sits up right.

Gakudo looks behind her and see that one of the doors has been unlocked and opened. "So the door imprison Servants, if am correct."

Igor responded, "No quite. More like a vessel that can house the spirit. These four were past guest that I used to visit the here, but their bodies are all that remain."

Arsene was silent for a second and he became visibly confused at Igor statement. "So wait this isn't my original body."

Sieg then explained, "You are a pseudo servant, a servant that posses a person's body due to the inability to take physical form."

"So to cut to the chase, Igor, was this a new singularity or not?" Gakudo said in a serious tone.

"It seems so, but I have no idea what has caused it." Igor responded.

"That said you did very well on your first trial against fate and so I give you this."

Igor hands Gakudo a grimoire different to Sieg's and Igor's but has the same velvet color. The book opened up and began to levitate in front of Gakudo. Pyro Jack, High Pixie, Rakshasa, and Archangel. These shadows were recorded within her grimoire, every detail, strength, weakness, and stat about them written within her grimoire. "Wait a minute, are these the shadows from the attack?"

"Yes Master. That grimoire records shadows and converse using the power of the sixth magic into Persona. By the way I see that you haven't awaken yours yet"

"What do you mean mine?"

"It means that you have your own persona, dummy. You posses the wild card that means that you can use multiple personas." Arsene stated. Gakudo then kick him in the face as punishment.

"Well only time will tell when you're awakening will happen, but for now you're needed." Igor then sent us off.

"So, Master Igor do you think she'll awaken her persona?"

"Don't be so hasty Sieg. We just have to wait and see."

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