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As school finished Jeonghan and his group decided to wait until everyone left the class, and wait until there was lesser people in the hallways.

As they waited they noticed the six other alpha's waiting for the hallways to clear "Is it clear Mingyu?" Seungcheol asked "Nope." Mingyu answered.

Seungcheol sighed.

The omega's looked at each other "Oh, sorry if we're still here, we're just trying to leave without the female omega's coming at Seungcheol." Vernon apologized to them.

"It's okay." Jisoo told them softly.

After twenty minutes the six alpha's looked at them "The hallways are clear, do you guys want to go first or do guys want us to go?" Seungcheol asked.

"Um can you guys go first?" Jeonghan asked them, and they nodded leaving first.

As they left Seungcheol felt something odd "I think there's more then us twelve." The boys looked around, and thought it of too.

Soon the omega's came out when six different alpha's came out of nowhere "The fuck." Jeonghan struggled to get out of their grip.

"You're not moving prince." Jeonghan snarled, and saw his friends also being held.

Jisoo who was a bit stronger then his friends managed to punch the alpha "Ah! You son of a bitch!" The alpha threw Jisoo hard to the lockers.

Jisoo whimpered.

Jeonghan saw what happened, and tried to escape even more.

The alpha smirked "No going anywhere."

But as they held the omega's even more they didn't realize the other six alpha's coming at them.

Seokmin attacked the guy who threw Jisoo, and pinned him down "Shit." The alpha groaned.

Seungcheol then came at the one holding Jeonghan "Let go of him." Seungcheol said in slightly deep voice.

The alpha didn't listen which Seungcheol looked at Jeonghan "Watch out." Jeonghan looked, and saw how Seungcheol punched the guy in the face letting go of Jeonghan.

Soon the six alpha's ended up running away.

Jeonghan went to Jisoo, and heard him whimpering "Does it still hurt Shua?" Jisoo nodded.

Jeonghan looked at the alpha's "C-Can you help me pick up Joshua?" Seungcheol nodded, and looked at Seokmin.

Seokmin slowly picked up Jisoo, and followed Jeonghan.

As they followed they made sure no alpha got near the omega's to force to be their mate "Um, this is his dorm, but I don't think he's cleaned up." Jeonghan said making the others laugh.

As Jeonghan opened the door, Seokmin walked in, and looked around "His place isn't bad." Seokmin told him "It's his room that's worse." Wonwoo snorted.

Jihoon laughed loudly with Wonwoo "Sorry." Wonwoo said before him and Jihoon ran out to their dorm.

"I have no idea what goes on with them, especially since they're roommates."

Seungcheol looked back, and saw both of them laughing with Wonwoo on the ground "Do they always act like that?" Seungcheol asking pointing at them, and Jeonghan looked back.

Jeonghan rolled his eyes "Wonwoo why are you on the ground?" Jeonghan asked "Woozi pushed me from entering, and locked me out."

Jihoon was laughing from the door "Woozi open the door." Jeonghan told him "No he didn't listen earlier today!"

Wonwoo got up, and looked around "Oh shit." Wonwoo squinted a bit "Han can you give me my glasses?" Jeonghan sighed, and grabbed Wonwoo's glasses, and gave them to him.

Jeonghan then smiled at the alpha's "Sorry about that you can place Joshua on the couch." Seokmin placed Jisoo on the couch.

"Thanks." Jeonghan said, and Seungcheol shook his head "It's not problem, anyways let's go." Seungcheol told them.

The alpha's left, leaving the others a little confused.

"Instead of fighting the alpha's for who's going to be our mate, they fought them to protect us?" Minghao said confused.

Jeonghan also thought of that, but dismissed it, as he went to Jisoo who was now watching tv "Did you leave the tv on?" Jisoo nodded.

"By accident." Jeonghan chuckled.

Wonwoo then came in "Still can't get in, but don't you guys have a hunch on who's your mate?" Jeonghan shook his head.

"I think I do, but I don't know." Seungkwan said, making everyone look at him "Hey you only find out, because your mates scent is stronger then others." Jeonghan nodded.

Seungcheol looked at Mingyu "Why are you so dazed out?" Mingyu looked at Seungcheol.

"I'm not going to lie, but I think I know who's my mate." Seungcheol looked at Mingyu in confusion "And who is it?"

"I'm pretty sure it's that Wonwoo guy."

Mingyu smiled a little "His scent was stronger than other omega's."

Seokmin then looked at Mingyu "That seems accurate because the dude I was carrying, his scent was stronger than the others there."

Seungcheol looked at them "You do realize that they're afraid of alpha's correct?" Everyone nodded.

"They can't be in the same room as us, and those alpha's that got them earlier, made the leader of omega's a bit more afraid."

Vernon nodded in agreement "Also the omega that Seokmin carried, damn he's strong, he punch an alpha which omega's can't really do."

Everyone chuckled.

After a couple minutes of silence, Jun looked at everyone.

"Can we do something, I'm getting slightly bored." Everyone shrugged.

Soon they heard the door open "Sorry I'm late again." A boy with pink hair said "It's fine Chan." Seungcheol told him.

Chan then sat next to Seokmin "Chan do you know where to go to hang out?" Chan thought of it.

"I mean there's this place, but some omega's are using it right now, and I don't want to make them uncomfortable." Everyone nodded understanding the situation.

Soonyoung looked at Chan "Anywhere else?" Chan shook his head "Not really, but give me a second let me ask the leader of the omega's." Chan then left the room, and went to the place.

As Chan went to the place, which was a big dance room he knocked on the door.

"Hannie hyung." Chan called out waiting for a bit, before the door opened showing Jeonghan.

Jeonghan raised a brow "Did you need something Chan?" Chan smiled a little making Jeonghan smile.

"Um can my other friends join you guys?" Chan asked looking down a little "Are they alpha's?" Chan nodded slowly knowing Jeonghan's answer.

Jeonghan thought of it, before looking back his friends who were messing around, and then back at Chan.

"Who are they exactly?" Chan looked up, and took out his phone.

Chan then showed a picture of them "Ah it's those alpha's, they can join us, but I'm going to put tape so we can all be comfortable." Chan nodded, and then texted his friends.

"Thank you hyung." Jeonghan smiled, as Chan hugged him "No problem Channie."

Jeonghan then came back inside, with Chan, and grabbed some tape to split the room.

'Let's see how this will turn out.' Jeonghan thought before looking back at his friends "Alpha's will be joining us." The others nodded slowly.

Soon they went back to whatever they were doing.


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