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Tw: Mention of weight problems.

Jisoo giggled as Seokmin picked him up, "Your giggles are so cute." The alpha said making the omega blush before wrapping his arms around the alpha's neck. Seokmin then placed Jisoo on his counter since they were in the alpha's dorm.

"Have you eaten?" The taller asked as his hands went around the shorter's waist. "Not really, it's been tiring with setting up the dance competition stuff," Jisoo said as he played with the other's hair. "Shua, you know you need to eat." The omega pouted a little but blushed when the alpha pecked his lips.

The older of the two gasp lightly as he remembered something. "I haven't done my math homework yet," Jisoo said as looked into the alpha's eyes. "When is it due?" Seokmin asked helping the shorter off the counter. "It was due yesterday..." Jisoo smiled making the alpha shocked a little.

"I thought you turn in everything on time." Jisoo shook his head as he smiled again. "Jeonghan and I never turn in our homework on time." He said giggling as he grabbed his backpack to do his homework. "What are you passing the class with?" Seokmin asked going up behind the omega who blushed again. "A fifty." Seokmin chuckled as he shook his head.

The alpha then gently smacked his head. "Hey!" Jisoo giggled as he before disregarding his homework and left it alone. As he was about to speak up about something he received a message.

Sacrifice the damn Child aka the Dinosaur aka Chan


Han: Yes Chan you're not invited cause you are being secretive


Josh: Chan are you busy?

Dino: Sorta-

Josh: Bam-

Josh: You're not invited


Han: I was kidding, you're invited but if you're busy then it's alright

Dino: I'll come next time

Dino: I have to finish a dance for class

Han: Okay then, just drink a shit ton of water and do not stress yourself out

Dino: Yes sir

Kwan: We definitely need a night out

Wonu: ehhhh

Woozi: knowing you-

Woozi: too much happened between all of us

8: Yeah...

8: Watch Seungkwan be first to tell us

Kwan: Uhm yes sir

Han: Settled...

Han: We'll meet at Shua's dorm

Josh: What-

Han: Yes

Josh: Mannnnn fuck you

Jisoo huffed as he put his phone away and looked at the alpha. "I have to go." Seokmin raised a brow as he looked at the shorter. "My friends want to do an omega's night out so..." The alpha understood and chuckled.

"That's fine, we can always hang out tomorrow or next time." Jisoo smiled before standing on the tip of his toes and giving the taller a peck on the lips. "Thank you, Minnie." Seokmin smiled before giving the omega one last kiss.

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