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(Say the name...)


Jisoo groaned as he was punched in the stomach, "Work on your strength!" His trainer yelled at him making the poor boy flinch. "Your father does not want your omega side to get in the way of anything." The trainer said making Jisoo nod as he stood up before blocking a kick and kicking back the trainer in the stomach.

"Good enough." The trainer coughed as he was flung to the floor. "Enough." Mrs Hong said making the trainer get up and bowed before leaving the room. "I have a way for you to leave this..." She told her son who looked up in confusion but also hopeful. "Go to Korea without your father knowing." She said making her son be even more confused. "It's only the best, I already set you up in the school system with a help of a friend who owns and is the principal of the school." Mrs Hong said wiping the tears from her sons eyes.

"B-But what about you?" He asked hugging his mother. "I'll be fine sweetheart, I just want you to be safe away from your father." Jisoo shook his head as he stayed in his mothers embrace. "Don't cry, everything will be and plus you'll have new friends." Mrs Hong said playing with her son's hair to calm him down, "And who knows maybe you'll fine your ideal type there." Jisoo giggled as she had said that.

Jisoo then sighed as he started to think about his life without his mother. "Where will I stay?" He asked making his mother smile a little. "The school has dorms that you can stay at for the summer too." The young omega nodded before seeing the door open and showing his father. "Why are you crying?" He asked before noticing his wife rolling her eyes. "I don't want you showing out your omega." Jisoo pouted a little as he hid his face in his mother's neck.

"This would've been better if we had an alpha." Mr Hong said before feeling a smack on his chest. "We decided to have a child no matter what his second gender was." She said before taking Jisoo out of the room and into the house. "I swear your grandpa infuriates his head with stupid crap like this." She mutter before taking her son into his room so he can start packing.

"I'll be back, I have to make sure your father is done being mad over this." Jisoo nodded as he grabbed his suitcase and started packing clothes he needed.

Jisoo held onto his mother as he was at the airport. "Give me your phone." Mrs Hong said making the younger give her his phone. "I'm going to be keeping this while you have this one." She said giving him a newer phone and hugging her son one last time. "I'll try and visit but it'll be hard." Jisoo nodded, hugging his mother tightly before letting go. "I love you." She said making her son smile a little. "I live you too mom." He said before walking off to head to his gate.

[End of flashback]

The omega sniffled as he wiped his tears, "Shua..." A soft voice said making the boy get up from the couch and open the door carefully only to see Jihoon standing there. "Did he leave?" Jisoo asked, trembling as he didn't want to step out of his room. "He went to go talk to my dad but come in mine and Wonwoo's, your dad is scary." The taller nodded before leaving his dorm and going to the shorter's.

"Is that the main reason why you don't want to go back?" Wonwoo asked once he noticed the two omegas enter. "Yeah..." Jisoo softly said, before being engulfed into a hug. "I-I can't even be this omega who wants kids in the future." Jisoo whispered as he broke down crying again. "And you'll get that." Jihoon said as he sat him on couch.

Wonwoo sat beside him and hugged him. "I promise that you'll get that." He said rubbing the others back. Jihoon nodded in agreement before jumping when there was a knock at their door. "Who is it?" He called out, getting up as he sighed. "It's me Soonyoung, there's a man standing outside Jisoo's door and Seokmin isn't happy." The shorter omega opened the door and pulled Soonyoung inside before pulling Seokmin.

"He's in my dorm." He whispered to Seokmin, before closing the door. "Who's that man?" Soonyoung asked, taking a look around before looking back at Jihoon. "Jisoo's father." The shorter said, going into the kitchen and grabbing cups to giving everyone a drink.

Meanwhile, Seokmin walked up to Jisoo and Wonwoo. The taller omega smiled at him before deciding to give them privacy by going into his room along with dragging both Jihoon and Soonyoung. "You okay?" Seokmin asked once they left and wiping the tears from his boyfriends eyes.

"W-Why is everyone so unfair?" The omega asked his boyfriend and pouting a little. Seokmin chuckled a little before pulling his boyfriend onto his lap. "Is this because of your father?" Jisoo nodded as he laid his head on the alpha's shoulder. "Life is very tough." He muttered, while hearing his boyfriend chuckle.

Jeonghan sighed as he got out of dorm room only to still see his father there. "Why do you keep ignoring me?" Mr Yoon asked, watching as his soon tried to enter back into his dorm. "Why?" Jeonghan asked turning back and looking at his father in the eyes, "Because every time I open my damn mouth, I get told to shut up and not to speak out unless I've been told to." He snarled before laughing lightly to himself and thought of finally being honest with his father.

"You know what, since you're here I am going to be honest about everything," Jeonghan said before taking a deep breath and sighing a little. "I'm sick and tired that you treat me like his, ever since you and mom decided to separate. You've been treating me like shit and didn't really take care of me. You don't understand how much I sacrificed of my time to make sure that my little sister has a good life and one that didn't have to involve you treating her wrong." Jeonghan said taking another deep breath as he finally got to be honest with his father.

"All you cared about was your precious company, so that's when I told halmeoni that I wanted my sister to have good life and that I wanted to get away from you." Mr Yoon was shocked as he heard why his son had left home and on how he basically had lost custody over his two kids. "So please, stay away because that's how much of a disappointment I am to you and the family." The omega said before entering his dorm again and going to his boyfriend's room.

Seungcheol looked up and hugged his boyfriend who broke down for the second time of the day. "I don't understand why he keeps coming back." Jeonghan said looking at his boyfriend in the eyes while tears were falling out of his eyes. The alpha saw and wiped them off as he gave his boyfriend a small kiss on his head.

"Neither do I, but at least you got to be honest." He said making the omega nod before giggling as he was tickled. "Don't be sad over someone who isn't worth your time." Seungcheol said making Jeonghan nod as he agreed about.


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