Mistaken Identity

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(Y/N)'s POV.

Today we have a trip into Emerald Forest for a field trip of sorts. It was supervised by Professor Goodwitch, so it would be well monitored. While we waited for us to be called to start the trip, I idly chatted with Ruby.

"Are you excited for today (Y/N)?" Ruby asked in the hyper manner only she seemed to be able to.

"Yeah. I hope it won't take too long though." I replied. "I get this weird feeling every time I go past here ever since we found that grave there."

"That was creepy. But I'm sure we won't find anything else weird this time." She said, doing nothing to reassure me.

"I sure hope so." I muttered.

About an hour later, we were all standing in Emerald Forest. Professor Goodwitch was saying something, but I wasn't listening. I felt like there was something watching me. I kept looking around to try and see what was watching me, to absolutely no avail. I only noticed that we were allowed to move around when everyone started dispersing in different directions. Team RWBY and the majority of Team JNPR went off together, while Jaune was dragged away by Cardin and his gang of baboons. I was gonna follow Ruby, when I heard a horrible, sickening resonating laughter that spread throughout the forest. I tried to figure out where it came from, but with the way it echoed through the forest made it damn near impossible to pinpoint it's origin. I looked around to the others to try and see if they heard it, but if they did, there was no indication.

"That was weird." I muttered under my breath. "Of all the things I expected, creepy laughter is not one. It probably should have, but didn't cross my mind."

Creepy laughter aside, it was a pretty relaxed trip. I was by myself most of the time, and heard the creepy laughter a few more times. Eventually, I actually ended up lost. I was wandering around absolutely lost, before I accidentally walked into a clearing in the forest. The clearing, despite being clearly run down, looked like it was absolutely amazing at one point. There was decaying wood in the trees that looked like they might have been treehouses at one point. There was a pond in one area that had three, cracked, square shaped stones in the pond that looked like they were stepping stones. Looking around the area, I couldn't help but feel like I'd been here before. I looked around, and finally caught onto where I'd seen it before.

"This is the forest from the mosaic." I said, barely above a whisper. "If this is a real place, and Ghirahim, the Bokoblins, and that blue lady were on there as well, does that mean that whatever else was on the mosaic is real as well?"

I didn't get a chance to look around the area more as that same horrific laughter emitted from behind me. I spun around, pulling out my sword, and nearly came face to face with what can only be described as a living scarecrow. It's flesh looked like it had a wood grain texture to it, with a straw hat. It had torn green shorts, with a dirtied orange tunic on, and large pointed brown shoes. It's eyes were piercing orange orbs that glowed slightly.

"Who are you?" I asked, holding my sword defensively.

"Fairy Boy doesn't remember me? It was a long time ago. Fairy Boy was one of the few people to treat Skull Kid like a person and not a monster." The creature said.

"You're names Skull Kid?" I asked.

"Skull Kid doesn't remember his old name. He tried leaving the forest and got lost. He can't remember anything. Skull Kid is his new name. The Kokiri children named him that for his monster like appearance." The newly named Skull Kid explained.

"Did you say Kokiri?" I asked slightly freaked out.

"Fairy Boy does not remember the people who raised him. Saria talked frequently about her friend who had no fairy. Fairy Boy was a kind friend of Skull Kid." He kept talking in the third person.

"Skull Kid, do you remember what Fairy Boy was actually named?" I asked politely.

"Skull Kid remembers. Fairy Boy was named (Y/N). He was a good swordsman. You look like him, but you don't wear green. Blue doesn't look good on Fairy Boy." He said.

"Skull Kid, I have to go now, but I'll come visit you soon." I said, needing to visit someone I could talk to.

"Bye bye Fairy Boy. Skull Kid hopes to see Fairy Boy again." He said with a wave of his hand.

Ruby's POV.

After Jaune beat the Ursa, we all grouped together where we initially landed. We were all talking about how our trip went, when I noticed someone missing.

"Guys, where's (Y/N)?" I voiced my concern.

"That's a good question. I haven't seen him since we landed here." Pyrrha noted.

"Why are we worried? If there's one person who can protect himself, it's (Y/N)." Jaune defended his friend.

"Has anyone seen (Y/N) (L/N)?" Professor Goodwitch asked the group at large.

There was a resounding chorus of people saying no in various ways. All of a sudden, there was a creepy laughter that echoed through the forest. Every single student tensed up and grabbed their weapons to fight whatever threat was going to attack us, however the only thing that happened was a familiar (H/C) haired swordsman walking into the landing clearing.

"Sorry if I'm late." He apologised. "I got a bit turned around in the forest."

"Do you have your jar of sap?" Professor Goodwitch asked him.

"I completely forgot to get one." He answered with a sheepish grin on his face while rubbing the back of his head.

"Of course you did." The professor sighed.

We all watched (Y/N) walked up to Professor Goodwitch and have a quick conversation in a hushed tone. After they finished talking, (Y/N) walked back to stand with us.

"What did you two talk about?" I asked curiously.

"Just a few things, nothing important." He dismissed my question. "How'd your guys' collecting go?"

We explained everything that happened but he seemed to be distracted. I brushed it off however, there's no way that something bad could have happened.

(Y/N)'s POV.

We arrived back at Beacon and, true to Professor Goodwitch's word, She took me straight to Professor Ozpin's office. I figured he might know something about what happened in the forest with Skull Kid. We arrived at his office fairly quickly, and within a few minutes, I was sat across from the headmaster of Beacon himself.

"So Mr. (L/N), what brings you here today?" He asked kindly.

"Professor, something has been going on recently, and I figured I should probably tell someone I trust about it." I explained. "I believe I've lived before, or, at least, look exactly like someone from history."

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