The Aftermath Of Beacons Fall

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(Y/N)'s POV.

Walking away felt more and more difficult with every step I took. It felt like my soul was being ripped into little pieces every time my feet hit the ground, yet I still trekked on.

'It's for the best (Y/N). They'll understand one day.' I thought, trying to ease the pain.

"Is it done?" Came a rather familiar voice.

"Y-yeah. They think I did it." I shakily said.

"(Y/N), It wasn't your fault. It's the only way we could have done it." Came a familiar feminine voice.

Turning towards the voices, I saw the familiar faces of Pyrrha Nikos and Oz looking back at me.

"Why couldn't we just tell them the truth?" I asked. "They're supposed to be the defenders of the world, yet they have no idea what horrors the world hides."

"(Y/N), you know better than anyone, no one benefits from the world knowing about such horrors. It helps everyone to know that there is a hero, yet no imminent threat to face." Oz argued. 

"Oz, you heard that broadcast. He's back. They broke the seal." I heatedly countered. "The world now knows about his existence. I might not have been there when he took over the first time, but he's doing it again. He's taken control."

"Guys!" Pyrrha yelled out, catching our attention. "Any more arguing and we'll attract the Grimm to come and kill us. So I suggest we get a move on and look for the first dungeon."

"Fine. But as soon as this is over, I'm telling them what happened." I bargained, extending my hand for a hand shake.

"Deal." Oz agreed, grasping my hand in his own.

"So how does this whole, split spirit thing work?" Pyrrha asked, trying to comprehend her new situation.

"For you, your soul has become whole again." I began, explaining how it worked. "But for Oz, his part of his soul has found a new body, as if he had actually died. But the majority is still here with us."

"Yes. I must admit, this is a new sensation." Oz put in his own two cents. "I've never felt so... split in my life."

"Trust me, I know the feeling." I responded, a very dark memory flashing through my head.

"What are you talking about?" Pyrrha asked.

"Right, you don't know the story." I slightly chuckled. "I'll explain another time. For now, let's head to our first location."

I looked out over the horizon. The sun was just setting as we all gazed out on the rest of Remnant.

"We've got a long journey ahead of us." Oz commented.

"But we'll get through it. Together." Pyrrha nodded.

"Then let's get going." I said, earning nods from both of them.


After a solid day of travelling, we were resting at a nearby inn. I had to pay for the room, seeing as I was the only one that wasn't easily recognisable. Oz and Pyrrha went to the rooms, while I went to the roof. I needed the space to process what had happened.

"Hey." I heard Pyrrha's voice from behind me. "Mind if I join for a bit?"

"Be my guest." I gestured for her to take a seat next to me.

"It's been a pretty crazy day, huh?" Pyrrha asked.

"Completely ridiculous." I agreed. "But we have to do this. It's for the good of all of Remnant."

"I get that it's good for Remnant, but it isn't fair to you." Pyrrha said, her tone almost motherly. "You're still a kid, you shouldn't have to fight against all these potentially world ending threats."

"I don't have a choice in this Pyrrha. If I don't stop him now, he'll just take over the world again." I heatedly told her. "You didn't see what it was like back then. If I don't stop him, then no one else can."

"Why not? It shouldn't be your responsibility to do this." Pyrrha asked, her tone becoming more dangerous.

"Because that sword is made for me. It's my destiny." I responded, turning away from her.

"I know you feel that way, but you need to realise that not everything will rely on you." She said, walking back to the door. "When you've decided you're ready, you can get some sleep."

I was sat up on the roof for a few more minutes looking out on the horizon. I looked at the trees and the buildings shadowed against the sky. Suddenly, a feeling of familiarity struck me, reminding me of something I had forgotten about.


I sat on a hill, looking out over the trees. The birds flying around, not chirping. Noise caught the attention of the monsters. Bokoblins, Moblins, Lynels to name a few. If they're attention was drawn to you, it was the end. I was always a bigger target than the others. With the Goddess Sword on my back, it acted as a beacon for monster activity. I heard footsteps rustling the grass behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Oz standing there.

"Come to comfort me?" I asked rhetorically.

"Not at all, rather to listen." He said, sitting down gently near me.

"Listen to what?" I asked, confused. "I'm fine."

"You've just found out that you aren't a Kokiri, you have a huge expectation from the world," He began listing. "You've missed out on 7 whole years of your life, and you attract monsters like a moth to a flame. And that's recapping the last 36 hours, want me to keep going?"

"No. I- you know what?" I asked, rewording my sentence. "I'm not built for this. I'm physically 17 but still mentally 10 years old. I'm not ready for this."

"You're right. You aren't ready for this." I gave him a dirty look at that." And you may never be ready, but it's not up to just you anymore. You have friends to help you out, and if you fail, we'll be there to help. But you can't afford to lose, because if you do, then we all lose. More than we already have. And if you beat Ganondorf, there will always be more monsters for you to deal with. But you have a mission. One given to you by the Goddess Hylia herself. So whether or not you're ready isn't the question anymore. It's time to show the world YOU are the hero we need. Flawed or not."

I sat in silence as I pondered what he said. I heard him get up.

"Just think about what I said." He said, walking towards our little camp. "When you've decided you're ready, you can get some sleep."

Flashback Over

I looked down at my hands, mulling over what both Pyrrha and Oz had told me. In the past and the present.

'I might not be ready, but the next time we do, I'll win Ganondorf.' I thought, clenching my fist. 'Last time we tied, I sealed you away but died in the process. This time, I'm gonna win, with the help of my friends.'


This chapter was shorter then anticipated. It's currently October 28 and I plan to release this November 1, my birthday. I've always procrastinated but this is to a whole new level. It's 11:00 and I've got school tomorrow morning. So I'm gonna go to bed and grind out more chapters after school. So thanks for reading.

Thanks, Luke

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