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Two Years.

Seems like nothing to me, but it's totally different in his eyes.

He sees me as "my brother's friend," his words exactly.

I have known George most of my life. He is sweet and kind, he knows exactly what to say, and at the right time as well. He makes my heart twist and my stomach fill with butterflies, but I hate to say, the feeling is not mutual to him.

It's hard for me to sit here and watch his angelic face, studying the pages of his books. His nose is so perfectly chiseled, almost like it was made for me to gawk at. His eyes are hazel but turn a faint sage in the sunlight. His freckles were scattered all over his cheeks, they were very faint, you could only see them when the fire was illuminating his face like it was now.

"Can I help you with something Lils, or are you just gonna keep staring at me," his voice snuck out in the silent common room, he smirked up at me with those delicate eyes. "No, but now that you mention it, you have a huge piece of spinach in your teeth," I said, smirking back at him, slowly gazing down at his mouth. His cheeks became red from embarrassment. He quickly slammed his lips shut, I could see the outline of his tongue scraping the front row of his teeth. I watched in awe before he spoke once more. "There's nothing there Davies," he said in a flat tone before he smiled. "I know, just wanted to see you fluster a bit," I replied, smirking and darting my eyes playfully.

He laughed.

Oh, how I loved his laugh.

It was smooth, like honey. It felt warm and surreal. I did whatever I could to make him laugh. So I could feel that warm feeling inside my heart. I laughed back at him, our quiet laughs filled the common room causing some people to look in our direction with annoyed looks plastered on their faces. We slowly quieted down before looking back down at our homework and books.

"Don't ruin this for me, Liliana," Ron said quietly, looking up from his book. "Now that we are in our 5th year, and all that stuff with Cedric last year, everyone is looking our way, you're lucky we got you in the Gryffindor common room without anyone saying anything,"

"Since when do you care about public opinion," Hermione said, looking up from her Astronomy book. Ron turned her way getting a little flustered at her powerful gaze. "S-since Rita Skeeter decided to keep her journal junkies around Hogwarts for 'further investigation', bloody tiring if you ask me," Ron replied, lingering his gaze on the divine brunette for a second too long.

"Hello, Everyone! Enjoying your study dates?" Fred's muffled voice interrupted the conversation, he was eating a chocolate frog and had chocolate all over his fingers. He sat down, next to George flipping through his book and looking for the homework answers. His chocolatey fingers were smudging his papers and George looked at him with a disgusted face before slapping his brother on the back of his head.

I laughed quietly causing his attention to turn towards me, he smiled then looked back a Fred. "You come here and smudge my parchment, and you don't even have a chocolate frog for me," he says in a flat tone and his eyes are drooped down with frisky disappointment. Fred shrugs, he opens his full mouth to say something. "Lee took my last one," George rolled his eyes and looked back down at his book and parchment.

"Ello, Ello, Ello!" a booming voice came from the front of the room. Everyone shushed the boy with dreadlocks as he sat down next to me. "Geez, tough crowd!" He yelled loudly so everyone could hear. One of the boys threw a paper ball at his head causing Lee to stand up, completely ready to fight the bloody git. Instead, I pulled him back down so that no blood would stain the carpets tonight.

"Listen as much as I love backing you up in fights Lee," I started, "I would rather not tonight," I said, looking at him like a mom would look at a misbehaving child. "Alright fine. Only because you said it nicely," he replied. I giggled at his tone of voice and took my gaze elsewhere.

Two Years~George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now