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He knows. 


"Well, I have to go," I said, trying to hide my face, from both of them. I could feel my cheeks turning red and if Fred saw that, I would never hear the end of it. I can't deal with narcissistic Fred right now.

"Where are you going?" Fred asked, smirking between me and his twin brother. That cheeky bastard. I was trying to think of any excuse, anything. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. "Are we boring you Lils," He asked, stepping closer. George looked at Fred with a confused look, but I noticed he wasn't just confused, he was upset. Jealous? No, no way. 

"You're not boring me, I just have to go meet Lee," I quickly said, turning around. I started walking away when I felt Fred's hand on my shoulder, He pulled me around to where I was facing him and George. "We'll come!" he said, still keeping the same smirk on his face. George still looked mad and confused. He pulled Fred away from me and whispered to him, it was low but I could still hear them. 

"What is wrong with you, it's obvious she needs to go somewhere and you are just prying," I heard George say. Fred chuckled a little and snarkily replied, "Are you that oblivious mate, come on now," George kept his confused look and turned to face me and then looked back at Fred. "What, just tell me," he whispered, "What am I missing here?" he said. Fred shook his head as if he was talking to a stupid little boy. "Let's go you buffoon," Fred said and slapped George on the back of his head. George slapped him back, resulting in a kitty fight between the two, I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Oh do we amuse you Lils?" George said, trying to hide his oncoming laughter. I nodded my head and began walking towards the two, while doing so I replied, looking at George, "Oh you amuse me alright, just not in the way that you think," I winked at him and grabbed the two gingers by their arms. "Now, let's go find Lee," I said, I turned my head to George, and I swear I saw his cheeks glow red but maybe it was just cold. 


"Lee!" Fred yelled, pulling away from my grasp but George stayed there, of course he did, he's George. I looked at him subtly and he noticed and smiled while looking straight ahead, pretending to look somewhere else, like I wasn't there, but he still acknowledged me and that's all I ever needed, acknowledgment. Especially from him. I looked back at Fred and Lee, who were doing the weird handshake that they made up when they were first years. I let go of George and joined them. 

"Who's ready for Quidditch season!" I said, cheerfully. Fred and Lee started jumping up and down like little kids which made me laugh. I felt George walk up behind me and place his hand on my shoulder, "Are you still playing a chaser this year? I know that all the shit with Cedric is a lot to endure," He said with a small smile. I returned the smile, he's so sweet, "Yeah I'll be fine, don't worry!" I gave his hand that was placed on my shoulder a small squeeze and returned my attention to the two childish boys in front of me. They were whispering to each other and glancing at me now and then. 

"YOU BITCH! HOW COME YOU NEVER TOLD ME ANYTH-" Lee shouted, but before he could finish I covered his mouth and pulled him aside. Leaving the two tall gingers to themselves. "Lee shut up!" I whisper shouted. My hand was still on his mouth, he pried it off with his sharp grasp and took a heavy breath. "Me shut up! How about you shut up! How come you never said anything! You like George!" He scolded. "Shh shh, yes, yes, just keep it down, I don't want him finding out," I said, putting my index finger over my lips, gesturing for him to be quiet. "Fine, does Athena know," He asked, slowly starting to regain himself back. He was calming down but that was all gonna be shit once I told him the answer. 


"NO!" He shouted, I covered his mouth again. He took that as a sign and whispered sharply, "You have to, she's Athena, she will find out sooner or later, might as well hear it from you," Lee said. He took my hand and dragged me back to the twins. 

"What was that all about!" George yelled at Lee. "Why'd you call her a bitch! What's your problem, Lee!" He shouted. His face was red. Does he-no, no, stop it, Liliana. "Umm...there's no problem, right Lils?" Lee said, nodding in my direction. "Right, yep, no problem, umm, I'm gonna head up, I have some work to finish," I returned the nod to Lee and gave George and Fred a quick pat on the back and headed towards the Hufflepuff common room. 


When I walked into the common room it was more lively than ever before. The whole room smelled like cinnamon and roses, everyone was out of their dorm room, people from other houses were playing spin the bottle in the front of the room. The whole atmosphere was nostalgic and euphoric. The yellow curtains looked freshly cleaned and pressed. I just wanted to stay like that forever, blissful. 

"NO EWW!" I heard a familiar voice coming from the front of the room where they were playing spin the bottle. Athena had to kiss a boy she had once slept with and I could tell by his face that he wanted to kiss her. "Ugh fine! But make it quick or I swear Matthew I will-" she was cut off by Matthew's lips against hers. She quickly pulled away and wiped off her lips with her hands. I slowly started walking to the group. 

"HEY LILS!" Athena shouted, she gave me a quick embrace and looked back at the bottle to make sure she didn't have to go again. "We are playing spin the bottle, wanna play?" She asked, and lifted her eyebrow. "Maybe, who's playing?" I asked, I didn't want to kiss someone and not know their name. 

"Mia, Theo, Matthew, Pansy, Sophie, Me, and Justin," She replied, rather quickly too. "..And hopefully you too?" she questioned me, with a hopeful look on her face, how could I say no. "Sure, why not, but-" I had an idea, a great one. "Can I invite a couple of others to make the group bigger?" I asked and gave Athena a look, a look that showed her, I had a plan. "Yes! That sounds great!" She said. "Perfect nobody move, I'll be right back!" I left the common room quickly and headed towards the kitchen where the house-elves were cooking away. "Where are you going, Liliana?" Delilah asked, her face was covered in flour. "I have an important business matter to attend to, I am a woman with a plan!" I replied as I rushed out the door.  

I ran to the Gryffindor common room and was greeted by the fat lady. "Password," Shit. I forgot. "I don't know, but please I just need to ask my friends something, please!" I begged, and hoped she would let me in. "Fine, dear, but don't tell anyone I did this," She said. "Next time, know the password, or come with someone," She winked at me and opened the entrance. I rushed inside. Everyone was working in the common room and looked my way but I was unbothered, I was on a mission. I saw the group I was looking for and quickly made my way over there. "Guys!" I exclaimed as I sat down next to them. "Hufflepuff is having a small get-together with a bunch of other people from the other houses, we need a few Gryffindors in the mix, what do you say?" I asked. The words seemed to have rolled off my tongue so quickly, I didn't even care to notice. "That sounds amazing!" Hermione said, "I'm in!" said Ron and Harry in unison. The twins gave playful smirks to one another and Lee was already out the door. "Can I come, " said a girl that I didn't recognize. I gave her a puzzled look. 

"Oh right! My name's Anna, I just wanted to get away from all the drama here, if you don't mind," She said, she seemed sweet. "Of course, please come along!" All of us headed out the door and walked towards the Hufflepuff common room. "So what are you guys doing for your get-together," Fred asked, he looked at me, I knew what he was going to do once I told him. "Um...we are playing a few games. "Oh cool like what?" George asked cheerfully. I smirked at everyone, and I walked backward so I could see all their faces when I told them. 

"Spin the bottle,"

A/N: Hey Guys! Sorry, I haven't written in a while, I have been so busy. Hopefully, you like this chapter! Thanks for reading! 😘

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