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The day had dragged on. More and more assignments piled up along with Umbridge's fucking rules. I needed a stress reliever. More like someone to talk to. A certain someone.

"Davies!" I heard a familiar voice call out.

Oh, thank god.

"Hey, Georgie!" I called to him. He came and put an arm around my shoulder causing my core to heat up. Shit. Anything this man did made me sensitive.

"Did Harry tell you?" He said, snapping me out of my flustered state. He didn't notice. Good. "Tell me what?" I took his arm off my shoulder and put it in my hand while playing with his silver rings. The ones I bought him. He watched me, amused while I played with the silver ring on his thumb. "He did mention he wanted to run something past me, but that's it," I said not looking up from his hands.

Then, almost as if it was scripted, Harry came up from behind us. "There you are," he said, breathlessly. He looked up at me and saw my hand on George's and smiled. Shit Harry. "Sorry, did I interrupt something, lovebirds, because what I'm about to say is more important," He snapped and smiled at my red cheeks. I took my hand off of George's hand and gave Harry a threatening look.

George barked out a burst of laughter and grabbed my hand, but what he said next made me so mad I wanted to throw myself out the fucking window, "Pshhh, lovebirds, don't be ridiculous Harry," he chuckled.

I took my hand away from his grasp, "What's up, Harry," George looked at me confused but quickly returned to his calm demeanor.
"Well, I was wondering if you would meet us at Hog's Head, today at 5," I gave him a puzzled look. "Who's us,"

"Dumbledore's Army, that's what we're calling it since Umbridge forbid clubs and extracurricular activities we have to sneak around," he said with a regretful look. His years at Hogwarts were never good and he deserved better. I gave him a sympathetic smile and rubbed his shoulder.

"So tell me more about Dumbledore's Army," I said, rubbing his shoulder. George stood there excitedly, "Can I tell her!" Harry gave him a flat look, "No,"
George frowned playfully before speaking once more, "Fine Harry, I'll see you at Hogshead then, yeah?" He smiled at me and stuck out his tongue at Harry. Harry returned it.

"Anyway Lils, we haven't had the proper way of learning DADA," I nodded at his statement as he continued, "Well, we wanted to form a club where that was possible," I smirked at him, "That's a great idea Harry, but did you have to name it Dumbledore's Army," He laughed, "I didn't name it, Ginny did,"
"I'll be there," I said.

"Brilliant!" Harry ran off, probably to tell his friends. I scoffed out a chuckle and walked back towards my common room. I passed through the kitchen waving at a few of the house-elves. I snuck a croissant in my robe, grabbing the attention of one of my favorite house elves, Delilah. " Miss Davies, a pleasure to see you and your grabby hands," she said, smiling at me with a fierce stare.
"Sorry Delilah, I have to," I put the croissant in my mouth, Delilah let out a laugh. I smiled through the pastry and waved goodbye.

I took a bite of my pastry and stepped inside the common room. There were people out of their dorms? I smiled at the familiar face.
"There you are!" Athena spoke loudly. "I feel like I'm constantly looking for your ass!" She laughed. I slapped her arm playfully and sat next to a Hufflepuff girl around my age.

The atmosphere was better than expected. People were playing cards by the fireplace and talking about how much of a bitch Umbridge was. It was nice. Athena was talking to a girl that I didn't recognize. She looked sweet and was blushing at Athena's powerful voice.

I laid my head back on the soft yellow couch, taking another bite of my croissant. I feel Athena's hand snake my croissant and take a bite. Mistake. "Bitch!" I yelled out in a tone of bitten-back laughter. She shrugged and smirked while putting the croissant back in my mouth. I bit on it and growled at her playfully and narrowing my eyes.

She returned to the girl she was talking too, as I took another bite. "Lils! This is Sophie Parkinson, by the way," Athena nudged me. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sophie!" I said, smiling up at the blushing girl. "Yeah you too," She said in a shy tone. I shook her hand with confidence, and we began chatting.


I saw the time. It was 5:00. Time had gone by quickly. I'm late. Great.
Time to go to Hogs Head.
I told Athena and Sophie that I would be back soon. That I was gonna go on a stroll around Hogsmead to clear my mind. Best I could come up with.

I've been involved with the twin's pranks since my first year, so I knew all the secret halls and exits. I headed to a small doorway under one of the staircases and exited the castle. It was beautiful outside. The snow was freshly fallen and the sun was shining the snow and I am not exaggerating when I say, it was blinding.

I walked for a few more minutes before finding the secret doorway into Hogs Head. I put my ear to the door and listened, to make sure they were there. "Well, what about the Room of Requirement?" "Maybe," "I don't know" "Ok but what about Umbridge" "Don't get me started about that bitch," I laughed at the familiar whispers and walked into the door.

I felt their burning stares linger on me so I made sure to welcome myself, properly, "Hello Everyone!" I yelled out. I got a few scattered hellos and a couple of smiles. I nervously sat by the redhead and gave him a quick pat on the back as an acknowledgment that I had arrived.

"Hey Lili, took you long enough," he smiled. I gave him a quick look and listened to what Harry had to say. "We should all have a chance to learn Defense Against the Dark Arts, the right way, Also Lils we kinda already went over everything, so I'll explain anything you want to know," He said causing others to mutter agreements and I smiled at him. "So where would me meet up?" I asked, knowing that it was probably the Room of Requirement, due to the whispers I heard.

"Oh, We will meet at the Room of Requirement, it shows up when you need it most," Harry said reluctantly in my direction and gave me a half-smile.

I knew it.

"What about Quidditch?" asked Cho Chang. Harry blushed a bit at her sweet tone of voice before answering with a stutter. "Oh-uh, we plan to have meetings on days without Quidditch, s-so about this time on Wednesday's,"

She smiled at him as Harry scratched the back of his neck nervously. "We'll have our first meeting next week, any other questions?" Harry asked, seeming like he wanted this to be over. A few people shook their heads no and that was the sign for everyone to get up and leave.

Just as I was about to head out the door, a hand snatched my wrist and I quickly turned around to see two smiling ginger twins, with a box in their hands. "Boys? How can I help you?" I said as I arched an eyebrow and smirked in their direction.

"We wanted to show you something!" Fred said, eagerly. "You know how we always wanted to start our shop?" George started, "Well, the time has come and we wanted to show you our latest inventions!" Fred said with a proud look on his face. "We'd like to introduce you to, Skiving Snack boxes!" They said in unison. I opened the small box and took out some of the creations in it. "These are Fever Fudges, developed by Mr. George Fabian Weasley himself!" Fred said pointing to George who had a proud smile and a hand over his heart. I snickered while holding up another treat in the box.

"What're these?" I asked. "Those my dear dear Lili, are fainting fancies, they make you faint in a matter of seconds!" Fred said, taking the creation out of my hand, "You see Lils, all these treats have a side where you can cure yourself, for example, you eat one side and you get sick, eat the other and you're cured!" George said, taking a bite of the Fever Fudge.

"Touch him! He's burning hot," Fred squealed like a little kid. I chuckled and placed the back of my hand on George's forehead. "Ouch, Geez George, you are burning hot!" I winced, taking my hand away from his head. He took another bite, but this time on the other side. He grabbed my hand and put it on his forehead, causing me to blush, the slightest bit, "See! Cured!" He chuckled. I took my hand back quickly and put it to my side.

"You guys! This is all brilliant!" I smiled, running my fingers on the labels of the sweets. "It's only a prototype, but we are still working on it," George said. I smiled at him, "So, for a prototype it's amazing!" I said not taking my eyes off of George. I took my eyes off for one second and saw Fred with a mischievous smile. Looking between me and George, not swiping the smile away one bit.


He knows.

A/N: Hey guys hope you liked this chapter! Thank you for all the love 😘

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