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She broke up with me. SHE broke up with ME? No one breaks up with me it's always the other way around. Ugh whatever.we have school today and the first day of my plan.
I can't go to school today or tomorrow as the doctors told my dad I'm not too. Even though I really want to. Punch Logan in the face. I'm not really heart broken because I know it wasn't REAL love. But still I'm angry and no one messes with me. I have Louise and her tempers as hot as her fiery red hair. Also darcy who is the best at come backs and Adam is strong so if worse comes to worse at least Adams stronger than Logan.
I walked into school the lads following me. We met the girls at the gates as normal. But I wasn't greeted by dani. I waltzed over to Louise and sat on the wall next to her. " Why are you sitting next to me?" She scoffed. I looked offended even though I knew she would be a little angry. "Can't I sit next to a friend without being questioned?" I replied. "I'd hardly call you a friend." She scowled. Ouch. That hurt. "Ouch straight in the heart." I said clutching my chest. She giggled. "Why did you cheat on dani? Logs I'm serious you're a nice boy,so why?" She asked. I quickly changed the subject. "We have English next were going to be late!" I called gesturing her to follow me. Even though I knew we weren't going to English. "Skip English with me?" I blurted out. She nodded as we walked up to behind the science block. She sat down and I sat down next to her our thighs touching. I pulled out my fags and lit one. "Want one?" I said. "No thanks I don't smoke." She said. "come on live a little." I said taking mine out of my mouth and handing it to her. She hesitantly brought it to her lips before taking a long drag. She started coughing immensely. We both laughed as she handed it back to me. "So Louise, are you and Zac still dating." I asked curiously. She coughed. "We never were." She answered. "Oh well I could've sworn I saw you kissing in the hall wAy." I said raising an eyebrow. "Yeah a snog isn't a vow of dedication." She replied. I laughed. " I guess so." So were friend now I think first step archived.
I called Louise as soon as it was half past three. "Hey Louise!" I said
"Hey dani babe are you okay?" She replied
"Yeah I'm fine you?"
"So what was Logan like what happened?"
"Not a lot him being his normal obnoxious and arrogant self." She said slightly nervous. Why? Meh I'll find out sooner or later.

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