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I feel slightly guilty for lying to dani, but I couldn't just say oh hi I'm friends with your ex boyfriend, who cheated on you and put you in a coma. Could I?
I have a hospital appointment for a check up, I have them frequently. I have a bad feeling about today. I sat in the waiting room anxiously, "mrs horan, right this way ." A nurse said. I followed her down into a room. "Hello doctor." I said to the woman who was waiting for me. "Ahh mrs horan I'm doctor Marie and this is nurse meg." She introduced. I sat on the bed as she took my blood pressure. She checked over a few things before she bit her lip. "I'm going to have to take you in for a scan," she said, I dpsighed and nodded, I lay down on the bed still, until the scan finished. She looked over the scan countless times. She phoned someone and a doctor immeadiatley came in. He nodded. "I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but your cancer is back..." She said. My heart skipped a beat. I sat on the floor sobbing. What will happen? To me? My kids? Niall?

Ohhh cliffie. So this is really short but basically her cancers back. Oh no...
Erin xx

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