The Fist Lesson

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There are many things one can learn when practicing the craft, however, some types of magic are always easier to learn then others. We consider these to be the first level of witchcraft where witches first start to build their abilities and learn what types of magic they connect best with. Not everyone has a "system for magic" or likes to categorize witches by novice, adept, expert, ect. This is just a way of my OCD organizing the knowledge I've acquired.

Level one magic focuses on divination magic such as; wiccan, tarot cards, runes, astrology, numberology, chakras, pendulums and more. For the first lesson we'll explore the many different types of divination magic and explain way these forms of magic are listed as level one magics.

Divination is simply tapping into one's own hidden knollage or universal Knollage of magic, in order to discover information or answers they seek.

Divination in Latin means 'to foresee or predict events related to or inspired by the divine or god'. It is the attempt to gain insight into a question or situation by way of an occultic, standardized process or ritual.

Divination has been a key practice in both modern and ancient witchcraft throughout history, Greeks & Romans refer to these people as oracles or seers and would rely on them to help make important decisions.
After being outlawed by the Catholic church in the middle ages, these people were refered to as gypsy's and were prosecuted for their practices. Today science labels most of these people who practice divination as fortune tellers but it is more about working with spiritual guides.

Divination magic is considered a level 1 magic because it is where one first connects with the energy around them and learns to understand the balance in magic.

"The Arabian philosophers agree that some men may elevate themselves above the powers of their body and above their sensitive powers; they receive into themselves, divine vigor.

For it is a most true and certain divination, neither doth it proceed from nature or human arts, but from purified minds, by divine inspiration."

-Book of occult philosophy


Types of Magic

Some of the types of magic associated with divination are;

Wiccan Magic
Wicca is a modern-day, nature-based pagan religion. Though rituals and practices vary among people who identify as Wiccan, they
practice their religion according to an ethical code. Wicca is considered a modern interpretation of pre-Christian traditions, though some involved claim a direct line to ancient practices. It may be practiced by individuals or members of groups. Rituals in Wicca often include holidays centered around phases of the moon; solar equinoxes and solstices; elements such as fire, water, earth and air; and initiation ceremonies.

White Magic
White magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers or magic for selfless purposes. Practitioners of white magic have been given titles such as wise men or women and healers. White magic was practiced through healing, blessing, charms, incantations, prayers, and songs. With respect to the philosophy of left-hand path and right-hand path, white magic is the benevolent counterpart of malicious black magic.

Elemental Magic
Elemental magic is founded upon the principle of manipulating existing elemental energies that permeate the world. It is commonly accepted that there exist four prime elemental energies, which are typically identified as Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. As with all magic, mana is involved, and some elementalists even consider it to be a fifth element in its own right, sometimes referring to it as essence.

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