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🎈👠 chapter nine . . .

simone and rishabh's engagement was in two days. 

two days. now simran had to fill those days somehow. apparently, some of rishabh's extended family were yet to come. ayan had no idea how simran had figured this out—but she had, and he'd be fucking stupid to underestimate her abilities after the stunt she pulled at the dinner party yesterday.

simran was on the bed, leaning forward to paint her nails. and ayan was making a show of going through his e-mails, because if he stared too long at simran, then he'd be a fucking creep.

ah, she was doing black nails. classic.

last night with simran . . . despite what she did, ayan thought he shared a moment with her somewhere during their walk back to their room.

 . . . or maybe he was just really delusional to think that he had a moment with simran sangha, aka the most popular girl in their year. if she was on the top of a hypothetical social ladder, he was far below. she was the queen bee. basically, everyone in college adored her. everyone wanted to pair up with simran sangha and simone d'souza for any assignments back in the day, because it was thought to give you a dramatic boost to your popularity ranking in college—no nerds and wallflowers included whatsoever, though. so, thinking that he had (almost?) flirted with simran sangha was a big 'pinch me' moment.

wait. why was he thinking too much into this anyway?

simran sighed dramatically for the third time that morning, and ayan looked up. that 'sigh' meant that simran wanted your attention. 

"ayan," she said, blowing at her nails, "it's so fucking boring here."

"yeah," ayan agreed nervously, because he had no idea what he could suggest to make it better. "uh, do you want to watch a movie?"

fuck! why did he say that? they'd already watched a movie last night, and simran had fallen asleep halfway through it—that's how boring his taste in movies were. that would just make her boredom worse.

"no." simran shook her head, and ayan felt a little nervous at what she was about to say next.

"i think we should go out." simran said, "i mean—we're in a new city, ayan! and we haven't even been out!" she added.

oh. she was right. they did have lots of time to fill anyway. why not go out?

"oh. that's a cool idea. we should go out." he agreed.

"but i also want to check out the pool." simran flopped back to the mattress, stretching her arms.

oh. that's fine by him too. anything if the queen bee was bored. he'd crashed the dinner the d'souza's were hosting yesterday, so why the hell should he be insecure about wearing swimming trunks?

"then let's go. it wouldn't be too crowded at this time." ayan said, checking his watch.

"i really want to, but . . ." simran trailed off, frowning for a moment, "what if we run into simone or rishabh? or any one who knows me?" she asked.

okay. that was a possibility but—

"no way, simran. their engagement is in two days. i think they'd be busy shopping or organizing stuff. no one's gonna come to the pool." ayan answered. it was true, right? would you stop by the pool when you're getting engaged in two days?

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