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🎈👠 chapter three . . . 

the evening rush had made the café was a bit crowded than usual. people were stopping by after work.

and then there were the couples. ugh. 

god help her.

simran hadn't taken any effort in her makeup or clothes today. she physically couldn't. but she'd managed to switch her pyjamas for a baggy pair of grey sweats and a frilly lilac crop top. very mismatched, she knows, maybe even the next fashion disaster. but judging by the situation that she was in, she'd cut herself some slack. it wasn't everyday that your best friend ditched you for your ex-boyfriend.

and jeez, she was wearing sunglasses to hide her puffy eyes. 

yes, she had been ugly crying in her room. no, she didn't want to talk about it.

now that we have that out of the way, let's face it: calling ayan was a very big mistake.

it was a very rushed decision. she wasn't thinking clearly at all. she'd felt dazed, and she'd asked him to meet her out of pure desperation. the stupidity of this decision hadn't hit her until after, when she'd left her house and was halfway down the street that led to the café.

she didn't know him well enough to meet up with him. and she certainly didn't know him well enough to tell him what was in her mind.

her emotions were a fucking mess. she had to sort through them bit by bit before getting here.

simran was in denial for a while, refusing to believe that this was real. she kept telling herself over and over again that her simone would never do this to her. they were best friends. she could never do this to her. she began crying. then simran was heartbroken, and she cried a little more. and then she was mad. correction: she was raving mad.

how could simone do this to her? she knew her better than anyone else. but she should've known better. she should've known that simran wasn't going to let this go. she should've known that sending her best friend a fucking invitation card through the fucking post wouldn't give her any redemption points. she should've known that simran would come to her wedding, and that she'd make things really miserable for her.

but for all this, she needed someone. a partner in crime, if you may.

now that simone was no longer her friend, she needed someone to be her guy in the chair.

ding ding. she was thinking of ayan. 

there was no one else she kept contact with anymore. all of her classmates either hated her or were jealous of her. simran liked to think that it was the latter more than the former. they were all fucking jealous of her.

but ayan—simran couldn't really recall much about ayan from her college days. ayan gill was the kind of person who could disappear among a crowd of people. he was the kind of person who'd keep to the sidelines most of the time and get really anxious about giving presentations. he was either in the library or alone in an empty classroom. he hated being in the spotlight. they were both extremes in comparison to each other. 

simran didn't remember being rude to him, other than the classic 'please finish my assignment/lab report'. she'd taken advantage of him throughout college because he was the kind of person who didn't stand up for himself. he didn't seem to hold that against her. or why else would he give her his number and pick up his call this morning?

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