Unknown Territory

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A portal opens up in the middle of somewhere unknown.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" Both Titans screamed as the landed on each other

"Ugh my head hurts" Beast Boy said

"Can you get off of me" Raven said bitterly

Beast boy hadn't realized until she said something but he was right on top of her. He quickly got off and tried to hide the fact that he was blushing from Raven.

"Sorry Rae" Beast Boy apologized

When he noticed she wasn't yelling at him for calling her Rae he looked at her. Raven was trying to figure out where exactly they were. Beast Boy tried to look around for anything he might recognize, but it was no use it was a barren desert with almost no signs of life.

"We need to find a way out of this desert so I guess we're flying until then or we can find someone who can help us " Raven stated

"Sounds like a plan" Beast Boy said as he smiled and turned into a falcon and headed off first

'Why did I have to get stuck with him' Raven thought to herself. But when Beast Boy was about to be pulled into the portal Raven felt something inside like an instinct to save him. Looking back on this Raven began contemplating 'I tried to save him I don't even know why, maybe because he's my team mate I dare to say he might even be my friend' Raven trying to reassure herself. She'd been thinking the whole time on the subject she didn't realize that Beast Boy is starting to fly out of her sight. 'I'll think about this later' Raven stated and then began to speed up to catch Beast Boy.

They flew for what seemed like hours until they ran across a small town.

"Why would there be a town all the way out here in the desert?" Beast Boy asked puzzled at the thought

Raven stared at the obvious signs of life a fire going in the middle, clothes on lines, and a couple doors were blown open by the win to reveal furniture. 'It's obvious people live here and judging from all this they'll be back any minute'

"I don't know but keep your guard up and be ready for anything" Raven told him with a look of caution

As They made there way toward the center Beast Boy smelled something and took off running. 'What the heck is he doing!' Raven screamed in her head. When she caught up to him she saw he was eating food that look like some kind of soup. Raven was getting ready to tear Beast Boy a new one, when all of a sudden a steel cage formed out of the Sand and trapped them. Raven tried to break out with her magic but it wouldn't work.

"There's something on the bars of the cage that are keeping me from using my magic" Raven stated shockingly

"Let me try" Beast Boy said with confidence and a grin showing his fang

He transformed into a rhino and tried to ram the cage, but it didn't work and on top of a possible headache he was shocked. "Great the cage is electric" Raven said with sarcasm. Beast Boy grinned one last time and said "I've got an idea". Beast Boy turned into a T-Rex and attempted to push upward to break the cage. Ignoring the shocks of electricity shooting through his body he kept trying for a good five minutes until he felt the electricity increase and couldn't handle it.

"AAAAHHHH" Beast Boy screamed in pain as he transformed back

"BEAST BOY" Raven shouted with worry in her eyes

"Well would you look at that" said a voice that stepped out of the shadows of a nearby building

"Looks like we caught something unique this time" another voice said coming from the top of a building in view of the scene

Raven and Beast Boy looked around to see figures coming out of the openings. They're all covered with some type of sand stained clothing from head to toe with a hood up and wearing some type of gas mask to cover their face, only it didn't look like it was made for keeping toxic fumes out.


"Alright crow, meta get them to base. Everyone else clean up and get ready for the storm" the person that was now in front of the cage said

Beast boy felt the cage being lifted and put on the back of something with wheels. He knew it had wheels cause it moved the heavy cage with ease.

'I'm....sorry......Raven" Beast Boy thought to himself

And then it all went black


Sorry for the long wait I've had the worse case of writers block and I honestly thought about giving up on this but I decided not to Imma try to update every three weeks if not then that dang writers block got me again thanks for waiting patiently :)

- Beast

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