Mysterious Encounter

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Jump City has been never been more peaceful thanks to the teen titans. This is because all of the villains were locked up or beaten. Trigon was defeated by the titans in a battle to determine the earth's fate, an experience that changed raven and the titans. Slade disappeared after the battle against Trigon no one truly knows where he is, but rumor has it hes been locked up by the joint efforts of Batman and Green Arrow. Brother Blood was destroyed in an explosion created by one of his own inventions to destroy the titans. Brain was finally caught by the Doom Patrol along with his associates Monsieur Mallah and Madame Rouge although, the leader of the Doom Patrol, Mento refuses to disclose their location to anyone. The H.I.V.E. was disbanded and most of the members have either disappeared or been locked up, with few exceptions like jinx who gave up being a villain and is currently a full fledged titan with Titans East. and the criminals not mentioned haven't shown up in months, they might have just given up or gone to some other city to wreak havoc. Jump City has had no problems until now that is.

"That the best you got BB!" Cyborg stated pulling his car into the lead in their favorite video game. "Oh yeah well watch this tin man!" Beast Boy shouted as he attempted to bump into cyborgs car, but missed because Cyborg anticipated this and moved out of the way. "BOO-YA BABY!" as Cyborg's car pulled into the finish line while Beast Boy's car crashed into the side. "ahhhhhhh no fair rematch!".

"Could you two keep it DOWN! I am trying to read" Raven barked at beast boy

"Friends can we not do the arguing it is such a peaceful day we should all be happy" Starfire claimed

"I think i'll pass Starfire" raven stated as she floated through the main door toward her room

Raven accidentally bumped into robin who was also heading through the main door

"Sorry raven ill pay more attention next time" Robin said giving her a smile but was given a simple "whatever" for a reply with an emotionless look.

Once Raven was gone Beast Boy decided to take a breather and give the controller to robin, mainly because jealousy was sinking in, secretly he had a crush on Raven but decided against telling her due to her being his friend and also because of past experiences. "Earth to beast boy you playing or what?" Robin said "Huh.. oh sorry Robin" Beast Boy dozed off into his own thoughts that he didn't realize Cyborg lost to Robin and it was his turn "So are you playing or not Beast Boy" Robin asked. "Nah maybe next time Robin imma go get some fresh air" "suit your self BB you know where we'll be" Cyborg stated.

Beast Boy decided to walk along the beach of the island the Titan Tower was on. Whenever he feels like he needs to be alone with his thoughts this is what he likes to do. Slowly walking along the shore he starts to think to himself. 'Why do i feel this way whenever something like that happens with Raven. I try to get it out of my mind but the thoughts just keep coming back. Raven would never be with someone like me. So why does this have to happen I'm her friend and i just cant take another experience like Terra. She broke my heart and I'm just now starting to piece it back together. Maybe there's no-'

Beast Boys thoughts are interrupted by the sound of an explosion and the sight of a tall building in the middle of jump city on fire. Without hesitation Beast Boy quickly transformed into a falcon and flew towards jump city. The alarm must have sounded because the other titans were right behind Beast Boy, but since the falcon is fast in flight Beast Boy was ahead of the titans and was first on the site of the fire. He was waiting for his team to arrive when a figure stepped out of the shadow of the building.

He was slightly taller than Beast Boy, but was as buff as cyborg. He was fully covered in a dark red robotic suit that looked like Cyborg but there were wires on the outside of the suit as well as the inside and the color emissions given off are a combination of dark red and black. The black glowing wires were inside the armor while their were wires on the outside that were glowing dark red. The red and black wires are linked to the center of his suit which had a power core which was pitch black with a red cover. The wires on the outside also wrap into the palm of his hands where two little indents in the suit are. His helmet was like a combination between Slade and Red X. The design was more Red X with both sides being visible and a skull looking cover, while the format covered his entire head was fitted and formatted like Slade's. Although he had a look that could be linked to some heros and villains he added a few touches to it so he would stand out.

He had a belt that was outlined with spikes and a beast skeletal head in the middle the the letter H engraved in its mouth. He was wearing spiked boots, and the gloves with the indents had spikes as well. He also had the letter H giantly engraved and painted black across the middle of the suit under where the core is. His mask eyes glowed bright red, and his helmet gave a robotic voice every time he spoke.

"About time you showed up, honestly thought I would have to do more then this to get your attention" the mysterious figure says

The rest of the titans arrive on the location to see the figure out in the open in front of Beast Boy obviously waiting for something but Robin couldn't figure out what

"Why did you burn down this building!" Robin shouts at the mysterious man

" Lets get something straight. First of all, I blew it up and then I set it on fire. Secondly, it was to get all the Teen Titans in one place" he says laughing. Before anyone knows what happend the man puts up his hands and blasts a portal towards Beast Boy's direction that starts to pull the titans in. Everyone gets out of the way, but Beast Boy whos running in his cheetah form to try and get away from the portal. The portal's pull is too strong and Beast Boy, who is starting to get tired, is not getting away from it.


Raven realizes its too late for him to get out so she flys towards him as fast as she can "Azerath Metrion Zinthos!" she cries. A giant shield of dark energy pushed Beast Boy out of the way of the portal, but pulled Raven inside of it.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO" Beast Boy cries out.

Without thinking Beast Boy jumps through the portal after raven.

"Two down, Three to go" the man says. At that moment he took his eyes off the titans and when he refocused on them Cyborg was missing.

"Hey where did Cyborg go" he shouted "Right here" Cyborg stated right behind him. The man turned around only to see that Cyborg had his cannon aimed at his core and when he fired the portal instantly closed shut and knocked the villain unconscious.

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