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Beast Boy awoke to find himself alone in a cage a familiar ping of fear comes to mind.

'No no I will not revisit that memory' Beast Boy thought with anger in his eyes

Beast Boy looked around to see what exactly he was dealing with, but there weren't any guards just an empty brick room with one door. He looks up and sees one camera pointed directly at him in the cage. 'So I'm being watched' he thought. Then he took in the fact he was alone in the cage.

'WHERES RAVEN' his mind practically screamed

The door opens and a figure steps into light he looked no older then Beast Boy. He wore blue jeans, high tops, fingerless black gloves, and a black t-shirt with a black armored vest over it. The vest had a symbol dead in the middle and took up most of the vests space. It looks like a red splatter art of lion roaring upward.

The person stood at about robins height, but had more muscle then he did or at least it showed more then robin. He had black hair with a crimson red stripe running down the right side of his hair. His hair was also spiked forward near the front of it. He had deep red eyes that would intimidate you in a matter of seconds. He also had a light tan which brought out the menacing look in his eyes even more.

"Ok let's get this started shall we I want to know who you are, who sent you, what you can do, and why I don't end you here and now and don't bother lying or sparing a detail i will know" The person said with a look of annoyance

'Well there's no point in lying my way out of this one' Beast Boy thought to himself

"Well for starters my name is Beast Boy-"

"I asked for the truth not lies I know Beast Boy I've fought with him and if your gonna impersonate him at the very least call him by his new name Hunter" the person said obviously angered toward Beast Boy for what he said

"Well how do you explain the skin, the ears, and the teeth?" Beast Boy asked

"I don't know but you've got thirty seconds before I tear you apart" the person shouted in rage towards Beast Boy

Beast Boy instinctively transformed into a green lion to show he wasn't lying, and when he did the persons jaw dropped.

"Alright now do you believe me" Beast Boy said when he transformed back

"Ok from the beginning how did all of this happen" the person said calmly sitting down next to the cage so him and Beast Boy were at eye level

'Man them eyes are creepy' Beast Boy thought

Beast Boy started from the start of the day and went all the way to how he ended up here. He left the beach walk out of it though, and the person picked up on him leaving out a part. When the person reviewed what he told him very closely and carefully in his head he decided it wasn't important and left it be. The person pulled what looked like a Titan communicator but it had the lion symbol on it.

"I need Meta and Cyborg up to Interrogation Cell A" the person said into the communicator

'Wait cyborgs here maybe he can get me outta here' Beast Boy thought with a bit of happiness

Beast Boy looked back and saw the person had neither mover nor stopped watching him.

'That stare is nerve racking I wonder what his power is' Beast Boy thought and started to think up possibilities.

Then the door finally opened and Cyborg stepped in with someone who looked like him. The person had the same robotic look with a couple new features. Apart from the features that look like Cyborg. He had a power core in the middle of the chest covered by a dome that had wires running from it to the other body parts. His additional features looked slightly like Hunter, but less wires. Cyborg looked battle damaged some of his gear was cracked and not giving off that blue light it usually does. He had cuts all on him and his robotic part looked sand stained.

"Is that Hunter" the person next to Cyborg asked in disbelief

"No Meta this is Beast Boy from another dimension" said the person in front of the cage

"That means Hunter survived the inter dimensional travel" Cyborg said shocked

"That means there's still hope" Meta said

The person got up in front of the cage got up walked over to him and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Exactly" the person said before attempting to leave

"Hey Red don't you think we should let him go now that we know he's a good guy" Meta said

"Fine release him, but I want you two to keep an eye on him got it" Red said

"Yes sir" Meta said

As red left Cyborg and Meta let Beast Boy out of the cage. As soon as he got out he stretched and yawned. All the while Beast Boy knows he is forgetting something. 'Oh well it'll come to me later' Beast Boy thought to himself. Meta looked at Cyborg with a concerned look.

"Cyborg you alright you haven't said a word in a while, and you've got weird this look on your face" Meta inquired

"Yeah I'm just adjusting to what I just learned I mean I perfected inter dimensional travel and Hunter is alive its just a lot to take in" Cyborg said

"Wait what do you mean alive" Beast Boy asked

"Well you see when me and Cyborg made the technology we couldn't figure out how to make it more safe so we were gonna scrap the tech and the idea of help from another dimension, but Hunter said if it was for the greater good he would test it. However the reason this technology is dangerous is because the amount of damage it takes out on your body during the trip. Think of just getting into a lake only to get struck by lightning, it feels like that for the whole trip so it'd only be a matter of time before someone's heart gave out. In order for someone to actually complete a trip one would have to have an unbreakable will to keep going and some serious power. The only person we thought could make that trip would've been Red but we couldn't risk it because he is our leader. And even if he wanted to he can't no one else can lead this thing. So just hearing Hunter is alive is a relief on top of our tech working the way we wanted it to." Meta finished

"Oh well one more thing" Beast Boy said

"Yeah" Meta nodded

"Who's Hunter" Beast Boy asked

"He's our dimensions Beast Boy" Cyborg responded

"Why is he called Hunter though" Beast Boy asked

Cyborg started from the beginning with Raven going to Trigon all the way till now.

"That's a lot to take in" Beast Boy said

"Yeah well it'll all set in just give it time" Meta said trying to comfort Beast Boy

They all three walked toward the door and when it opened Beast Boys jaw dropped. This place entire base looked like a training ground for super heroes.

"Welcome to the rebellion grass stain" Cyborg said with a hearty laugh and slapped him on his back

But only one thing was on Beast Boy's mind right now

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