20 Having a plan

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"Oh boy, I really hope that the baby is in the right position today so that the doctor can finally see something. This waiting is driving me crazy! Can you hear me in there? You're driving Mama crazy!" I said as I sat in the car with Damian and we were on our way to the doctor.

"Calm down, mi querida! It's not like we can influence it. It's one or the other. 50/50 chance. And it doesn't do either of you any good to be all worked up. I actually had an idea, in case we get lucky today," Damian replied as he parked the car and then got out to help me out of the car.

"Oh yeah? What kind of idea?" I asked curiously.

"What do you think about the doctor writing down the sex of the baby and only I know. I would then decorate everything at your baby shower in the matching color and adjust the gift registry," Damian replied.

"What? Oh no! That's absolutely out of the question! You should be allowed to know and you want to make me squirm any longer? Nope! If you know, I want to know. After all, I've been carrying this little watermelon around for seven months. If anyone deserves to know whether our angel is a boy or a girl, it's me," I declared stubbornly.

"Oh come on, baby! I think it's a cute idea. And what's one more week? Will you please let me surprise you?" he rasped in my ear after wrapping his arms tightly around me and leaning down towards me. His voice became more and more a seductive whisper. 

I knew exactly what he was trying to do here and it was very close to working. Damn him and his deep, sexy voice. I shook my head to come back to my senses.

"Really nice try! But I'm sticking with it. If I don't know, you don't know. Equal rights for all, baby." I replied and gave his lips a quick peck.

"Okay. How about this... We both don't know, but we get an envelope with the gender. We give that envelope to Candice and then she can do the decorating. That way it's a surprise for both of us." spoke Damian.

I thought about it for a few moments and then sighed deeply. I mean, he had a point. What was one more week? And it would really make the moment extra special.

"Alright, fine! You win. We both won't know until the baby shower. But of course, your whole plan depends on whether or not the little darling plays along today. If not, this whole discussion will have been for nothing," I replied.

"You're right. Let's keep our fingers crossed that the baby is okay with our plan." Damian smiled and stroked his hands lovingly over my belly. The baby immediately responded to his touch and nudged against Damian's hands. Damian smiled happily and then he gave me a kiss before we finally headed towards the entrance of the doctor's office.

And of course, of course the baby decided to cooperate today and pose perfectly so the doctor could determine what it was. I could swear that the baby listened to our conversation and then decided to join Papá's plan. 

After we finished the examination, the doctor gave us the envelope with the crucial information. It took all my willpower not to tear the envelope open with my teeth on the way to the car to satisfy my curiosity.

So we decided to stop by Candice and Johnny's house on the way home and give her the envelope. I think it goes without saying that she was totally excited about it and was only too happy to take the reins for the baby shower. 

In my opinion, she was having a little too much fun. However, I asked her not to open the envelope until after Damian and I had left. Who knows what I had done otherwise to get the envelope.

Only one thing was certain for me at that moment. It was going to be one hell of a long week. 

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