Chapter 11

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// Sakura Pov\\

Yesterday when Hinata, told us what happened I freak out, not cause she was in danger it's because I knew it was my brother. I found my family runs a Secret hitman company, my brother is the strongest ones, my parents find out that I knew about the company and they told me to stay silent.

My brother doesn't know that I know, our parents own that company, it's stills shocks me how someone wants to kill Naruto and Sasuke. I'm scared cause my family will think I told my friends about this stupid shit.

Damnit I need to clear some things before my parents here's about this, I walked down to my parents company to clear out my friends name and my boyfriend.

\| Naruto POV |/

I woke up with a small back pain, I got up and walked out the room to see Sakuro, just staring out of place " Sakuro?" He flinch and looked at me.

" Oh, hey Naruto" I look at him cause he looks intense " Are you ok?" I asked, he just smiled at me " Yeah, just a little tired " " I will leave and you get some rest " he nodded his head then left.

Why you I feel like he was lying, he looks like he would do something but just can't cause I'm here?

I got my things and left his house, I grabbed my phone and texted Sasuke, to tell him I'm going to his house.

( I'm wondering how the fuck I got from Naruto, falling in love with Itachi, to a mucking survival thing💀💀 Let just finished the story)

When I got there he was waiting outside " Sasuke!" He turned and walked to me " Wassup?" He asked, I sighed " I'm worried about the hitman thing " he gave me a small smile.

" Don't worry Naruto, I will always protect my best friend aka my dip shit buddy" I hit him for calling me that " Shut up! But the thing is I feel like the hitman is some close to us" I told him.

He sighed then looked at me " it's probably your imagination, don't over reacting" " I guess you're right, I'm just.....over reacting " he smiled at me " let's go get something to eat!" I nodded my head then we left the house.

{ Neji Pov }

I was getting off work and walking back home, I went to take shortcut that I always take to get home or go to work faster. Half way out the alley some came behind me, I turned quickly to see a boy Sakura?

But he pulled out a gun and pointed at me, my eyes widened in shocked that I couldn't move " Any last words?" He asked.

I couldn't say anything, I'm in deep shock that I'm in this station, but before I could say or do anything, he shot me 3 time's. One in the arm and 2 in the stomach, I fell down in deep pains while blood was spitting out my mouth and coming out my wounde.

Is this it? I'm I going to die? Whiteout saying go by to my parents and friends or having kids with my lover, I didn't expect to die at 16.

After that everything went black, I still can feel me losing blood and my heart was beating so fast, also hearing people say call the ambulance or police.

/ Tenten Pov \

[ This all happened cause Itachi, wouldn't except Naruto love💀💀😃]

I was in my leaving room drinking a cup of tea, watching the movie Suicide Squad, this movie is my favorite and also badass.

The Joker, is my personal favorite don't ask why cause idk, while enjoying myself a little to much, I got a call from Hinata.

Of course I picked up " Hello" I can hear her crying at the other end " N-..Neji is in t-the h-.. hospital, he is o-..on life condition!" She cried out, and I was pure shocked. I just seen him a few hours ago

" I'm on my way!" I hung up, and grabbed my shoes, then ran out my house " Damnit! You better live Neji" I turned in my car and started driving.

[ Sorry if it's short like Levi, from Attack on Titans, I have things to do so I should be back in July 30th]

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