Happy Pride Mouth

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IM so sorry that I'm not posting......
I'm trying to but things keep coming up and other shit.
But today is pride mouth and I hope yall stay safe cause a lot is happening this year.
Be yourself and don't let anyone make you feel ashamed of the person you are.

I'm pansexl 🌈🏳️‍🌈 both sides of my family support me😃😄

And my friends does to, I have a lot of family members that are part of lbtq.

Please state your sexuality..

My cousin is a lesbein
My favorite uncle is gay
My best friend is Bi
My mom is also Bi
My boy best friend is Gay
And the rest of my family and friends are straight, but support me.

Don't be scared to come out. If they don't like it then fuck them we all humans. We all eat,sleep,and have sex. Just because we like the same gender doesn't mean anything.

Love yall

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