The not so fearful

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Kayla POV

Everything was going fine, my school was boring as usual and me and Damon still played pranks. It was like everything was perfectly normal now. My new family and friends.

"Damon!" I yelled.

"What?!" He yelled back.

"Is the new episode of gossip girl coming on today?!" I asked still yelling. Damon was upstairs and I was in the kitchen.

"Yes!" He yelled

"Are you watching with me?!"

"Not what I want to do, but yes I guess I will."

"Can you guys stop yelling, even if you whisper, you will here each other fine." Stefan said, a dulled annoyed expression on his face.

"Awww. But whats the fun in that?" I whined, then pouted.

"Kayla." He said sternly.

I kissed his forehead, "Morning Stefan."

"Morning, did you have coffee?"

"Yep. Two cups so far."

"Two cups! Great!"

"Stefan!" I whined.

"Seriously Kayla."

"Fine." I said he ruffled my hair and walked out. I quickly grabbed a cup and gulped down the coffee. I walked out of there like nothing happened.

I went out to the garage and opened up my car door and jumped in. Oh did I mention I got a car. It is a Aston Martin One-77. Beauty and power.

It is a faded blue and it beats Damon's car in a heart beat.

Ahh! My first time driving it to school. Everyone stared at the car while I was driving on the streets, super fast if I say so myself. I had the music on high, but I had the windows up so they had no reason to stare.

As I drove into the school lot, everyone stared at me. Boys stared in jealousy and girls in wow!

I walked out with my ray bans on. I wore a loose black tanktop and white sorts. I had heels on and a necklace and bunch of bracelets and hoops.

I put my ray bans up to my hair and locked the car. I went to the front doors where elena, stefan and the rest were standing. The crowd built around my car.

"Hey." I said casually.

"That can not be your ride." Tyler said eyes only on my car. I was a little irritated. I do not want people to fall in love with my baby. That's my job.

"Yes it is." I replied.

"Can I ride it?" Tyler asked.

"Keep your hands off my baby!" I yelled threateningly. He just nodded still staring at the car!

"Remember how you owe me for getting you out of the DT? Yah. well I want a ride in your car." Jeremy siad also not taking his eyes off my car.

"Ugh! Fiiinnne." I said reluctantly. What part of spending time with my baby, don't these people get?


After school, I rode Jeremy home and I myself went home. I took the long way just to ride my car more. My baby, my car.

When I got home, I immediately went to the kitchen. I opened the fridge...nope. I went to the basement and opened the fridge for the blood. I took one bag and started sucking it. After I was done, I opened another bag, and sucked it dry, but slower this time. I was about to grab another bag, but I rethought it and just shrugged my shoulders and walked out. I was about to walk out to find damon.

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