Dream x George x Reader

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I started this in an English lesson but its only dnf so i was gonna change it but decided to just add the Reader into it


3rd pov

The harsh patter of the rain could be heard theoughout the silent street. The sky dark and angry. The small flickers of light every so often starts to fade till it stops. Windows filled with tears of the sky. There came a new sound a splashing sound every other step disturbs.

A boy. A boy could be seen running as fast as his legs could carry him hair sopping wet with a folder atop his head to stop the rain from removeing what little vision he had left. The boy w the s around 16 years of age. He had longish hair which was the colour of a chocolate labrador his eye filled with hope. He was filled with shock and joy as he got to the entrance of Kinoko Highschool. His harsh breaths filled the empty halls. His Blue hoodie now a dark blue/black and his shoes creating their own puddle from where he stood.

He regained his posture and begun to look for the heads office. At that moment a bell could be heard. His heart sank. He was late. People began to fill the hallways and loud chatter of people catching up with friends as they walked along the buzzing halls. He gulped as he walked towards his destination.

The buzzing died down as the soaked boy got nearer to the heads office. At that moment a bell could be heard. His heart sank. He was late. People began to fill the hallways and loud chatter of people catching up with friends as they walked along the buzzing halls. He gulped as he walked to his destination.

The buzzing died down as the soaked boy got nearer to the heads office. He spoke to the lady outside and she said to sit and wait till his name was called. "George Davidson, the principle will see you now," the lady said. George walked into the office and sat in the chair opposite the large organised but messy desk.

"Geogre, it is a delight to have you be able to join our school we expect you will fit in great at our school, I am Mr Harrison." George just sat there fed up of the old man infront of him. "Would you like some help from one of our students to get round on your first day?" Mr Harrison asked. George just shook his head. "No thank you sir, I think I'll be okay," Mr Harrison nodded handed George his timetable and he was on his way.

Thats it for now as i have like 4-5 more sides of A4 to get through.

Thanks hope you enjoyed it so far


Dsmp X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now