Big Q x M. Reader

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This is gonna be like spanish M/n but I don't know spanish so its gonna come straight out of google translate so sorry if its not all correct. Also the reader doesn't speak any english and chooses not to learn it


M/n's Pov:

(Thoughts will be in english don't worry). I was scrolling through my phone on Alex's bed whilst he was streaming. I didn't understand anything he was saying but i knew it was english because he told me. He attempted to teach me english. I repeat. ATTEMPTED. I just failed miserably and refused any time after that when he wanted to. I knew one word and i think its pronounced 'fuck?' Alex says it alot so I picked it up easily i guess.

I was getting bored of my phone i was about to end it when someone called me.

It was Alex. Why was he calling me? I answered anyway.

"Hola, mi amor. ¿Hay algo que necesites?"
(Hello, my love. Is there anything you need?(dont know why its so formal but go with it))
"Yes, mi amor. I would like you to say hi to my fans, they love you!" He shouted through the phone only i didnt get what he said. "¿Mi amor, en español tal vez?" I commented. "Oh mierda, lo olvidé, lo siento" He then repeated what he said.

"Si, mi amor. Me gustaria que saludaras a mis fans ellos te aman"
"Oh está bien, hola charla" I chuckled through the phone. "Oh my fucking god i love you." Alex squealed through the phone. "Alex en español!" I laughed. "Oh right," he said "oh dios mio te amo." I giggled then heared him speak to someone on his end. "Chat, M/n only speaks spanish and i forget sometimes when im streaming they dont want to learn english and thats fine with me" i could physically hear the smile through the phone. I looked at the time. "Muy bien Alex, me voy a ir a la cama porque es tarde, te amo." I yawned. "Awe, está bien mi amor, estaré en una corriente un poco enferma, entonces podemos abrazarnos," I just said bye and ended the call getting changed and then got into bed. Just then alex walked in. "Phew," he sighed "hablar inglés se cansa después de un tiempo." (Speaking english gets tiring after a while) He changed and got into bed behind me. "Sí, mi amor, sí."

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