35. down the aisle

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✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧

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✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧

Stacey laid out a picture of the finished wedding dress for Laura on the table. Laura's eyes lit up, her lips turning into a wide smile.

"Stacey, honey...this is amazing," she stared in awe.

Olivia peeked over. "Girl, remind me to text you for a wedding dress when my day comes."

"It's at my house, so I'll bring it over tomorrow so we can make some alterations," said Stacey. "Liv, you got the decorations handled?"

Olivia nodded. "Yep. Jane texted me and said she had the food handled as well. For tomorrow night and the reception."

Laura sighed. "You all are doing so much...I don't know how to thank you."

"Mom, it's your wedding. You sit back and get some rest while we do the work," said Olivia.

Stacey gathered her belongings and put them back in her bag. "I'll come at four tomorrow so we have enough time to try on the dress before everyone comes over."

Stacey stood up and Laura came over to hug her. "Thank you so much, Stacey."

"Anything for family," she said.

Stacey did consider the Baker's part of her family. She knew them since she was a child. When her mom left and her dad became a drunk, Laura and Billy took over as parental figures to her.

Stacey left the restaurant after saying goodbye to Olivia as well. She rushed home, breezing past her father in the kitchen and into the guest room. The dress was still there, covered in a silk cloth so nothing could get on it. She was treating it like a baby now.

All of a sudden, Stacey had to lean against the wall as she felt out of breath. Her chest seemed to tighten slightly. What was happening? Was she having an anxiety attack? Yes, she was stressed about the wedding, but it wasn't as bad as she thought it'd be. She clutched her chest, taking a few deep breaths. There was no way she was already tired from rushing through the house. She worked out every other day.

Once the pain passed and she caught her breath, Asher came into the room. He looked at her worriedly. "Are you okay? I heard a thump on the wall."

Stacey waved him off. "Yeah yeah. I'm good. Just sort of freaking out about the wedding preparations."

Asher nodded. "You'll be fine, Stace. The dress is beautiful and the others are on top of everything."

She smiled, feeling guilty about not telling her brother the truth. "Thanks Ash."

✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧

After the fitting (with Laura only needing a few simple adjustments to the dress), Stacey went upstairs to an extra room to change into her rehearsal dinner outfit. She felt content that Laura loved the dress and almost shed tears at the sight of it.

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