10. stop and stare

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✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧

Stacey smoothed out her yellow sundress he chose out for today. She didn't know how to dress for today; too fancy would mean it was an actual date, so this was a nice medium. Darnell had left early this morning to his internship and didn't even bother to say goodbye to her. There was just nothing to talk about really now that Jordan was here. After she figured everything out, she would be able to tell Darnell what she was really thinking.

"What if he tries to kiss you?" Jane asks over the phone. She finally had time to communicate with her and actually hear her voice. Of course the texting was constant, but it wasn't the same.

Stacey wanted to cringe at the idea, but she couldn't. The way his kisses never failed to make her feel safe was something she couldn't deny. "I'm not going to try anything and I don't know what I'm going to do if he does. No, he can't. Darnell and I kissed last night it'd be wrong to kiss two guys within a day."

"But you're also single," Jane pointed out. "Live it up a little. You have two of Beverly Hill's finest - aside from my JJ, of course - pining after you."

Stacey was tempted by the idea of seeing where things would go with both of them. However, she wasn't like that. After Clayton, anything dealing with manipulation or controversy turned her off immediately. She'd spend this day with Jordan and see where things went. Then, she hoped he would go home himself.

"They both are very attractive," Stacey played along with her best friend's gossip. She knew it'd make her happy. She glanced at the clock in her kitchen. "Crap, Jordan's about to arrive. I gotta go. Love you and see you soon."

"I love you more. I'll be back in Beverly in two weeks," Jane bid farewell and hung up the phone.

Stacey rushed to grab her purse and reapplied her lip gloss before waiting beside her phone for the front desk to call her. Once they did, five minutes before eleven, Stacey told them Jordan was fine to come up. Her eyes were fixated on the door, each second making her grow even more anxious. This isn't a date. This isn't a date.

The knock startled her and she almost dropped her phone to the ground. She put it in her purse and brushed her hair with her fingers before opening the door. Jordan stood there in his usual style with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. She smirked.

"I know, it's cheesy, but I saw these on the way here and know yellow is your favorite color," Jordan held out the flowers and she took them. "They match your dress."

"Glad you can identify colors," Stacey played with him as she filled a vase and put the flowers on the kitchen counter.

She made sure everything was fine as she closed the door behind her and locked it. Walking towards the elevator, Jordan made no move to hold her hand. She was impressed. "So, what's on the agenda today?"

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