1. new york city

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The first day of June brought a heat wave and nonstop sun in New York City. Tourists and locals were out on the streets, either going to work or taking in the sites of the city. Cabs honked at pedestrians and subways travelled underneath the streets. It was the typical New York day.

Stacey Adams woke up from her penthouse suite in Soho. With the money Infatuation made in its first release, Hayden was able to get her a luxurious place to live right by New York University.

Her mind looked at her phone, seeing a couple of texts from Darnell. They had gotten lunch together multiple days, but that was it. She felt bad he was staying in a hotel all the way in the Upper West Side by himself.

She always wondered if she should invite Darnell to stay with her. She had an extra room and it'd be much better than those tiny New York hotel rooms. His internship with the Giants started in a couple weeks, just like her program, so they had some time to spare before the real work started.

Stacey picked up her phone without thinking and texted Darnell, inviting him over. It was nothing more than that. He was her only friend here (besides Hayden, but he was doing something every day).

Waiting for Darnell, she set up her MacBook on the counter and face timed Olivia. Her face popped up moments later.

Stacey waved, a huge smile on her face. "Hey! It feels like months since I've seen you."

"I know, I miss you so much," Olivia sighed. "How's New York?"

Stacey put her hand on her heart. "Beautiful. I got my own penthouse so you already know I'm living the life."

Olivia smiled, glad her best friend was happy. "That's great. You needed this summer for yourself."

Stacey cast her eyes down, remembering yet again that she was a single woman now. It was hard the first couple of days here. She would cry in the shower and in the bed before she fell asleep. She sometimes even cried to Darnell, but it only happened once. Jordan Baker hadn't called or texted her since she came here. Stacey knew he wouldn't after how they left things, but something in her mind wanted to see his name pop up on her phone. He still liked her Instagram pictures and viewed her Snapchat stories. That was about it.

A part of her would always love him, but Stacey felt like she needed to move on this summer. In a way, Jordan was right about their future. He wants to go to UCLA and she wants to go to NYU. Being on two different sides of the country would be the hardest long distance relationship ever. That would cause more pain for them. So maybe, it was better to end it now to save the heartbreak.

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