No. 7 ♡

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H a m p t o n
I slipped on The Infamous Nicky Blue's ring. Only four people have these rings. I have my father's, Monroe has one, one was buried with my mother, and the other one is lost.

"Monroe can you send the girls in please," I said. Monroe opened the door walking in about twenty girls.

"Hello, Ladies," I spoke. "Hello, Miss Blues," I walked over in front of the desk that was in on the seventh floor, where I hold interviews.

"You ladies are looking to be apart of Blue's & Company as the AID?" I said. They all nodded their heads.

"I don't need a head nod, I need you to speak!" I raised my voice causing them to jump. "Yes ma'am," They responded.

I pointed out five girls. "Bye," I said dismissing them. They looked kind of dumbfounded.


"I don't see any kind of potential for you to join this company," I said. Karlos, my security, opened the door for them as they walked out.

"You will abide by my rules and do whatever I say. You will be given a task before signing the waver I have for you. Understood?" I said. "Yes ma'am,"

"Rule #1 Don't say shit to NOBODY! You and the person you decided to tell will be put in a body bag. The waver states in paragraph six, sentence one: Associate who talks about what happens in Blue's and Company will be killed along with the person (s) associate has told,"

"Rule #2 No sexual encounters on the job. You will be punished. NOT FIRED, but punished harshly!"

"Rule #3 Don't let none of these niggas sell you dreams. I was once sold a dream & that shit going to hit you hard and I don't want any of you to feel what I felt! Don't BELIEVE that shit or we are going to have to lose you."

"Rule #4 you will be given a new identity and sadly your finger tips will be burnt, so we will have no trace of your fingerprints!"

I looked out of the glass windows and saw Pierre standing on the other side. We haven't talked since what had happened and thats been like a week and a half ago. I continued on.

"Rule #5 Never get used to the game. That shit can change up at anytime and you have to know how to handle that shit! Which is why you will go through special training. You will be called back Saturday at nine a.m. once I review all of y'all backgrounds and portfolios," I said.

Pierre walked into the room coming straight to me. He tried to hug me but I pushed him back. "I can't get no hug, love?" He asked.

"I'm in the middle of business I will have to get back with you later," I said. He sat in one of the seats behind the desk and I guess he was waiting.

"Damn bitch you ain't handling shit right let me hop on his train," one girl said. I walked up to her as Karlos handed my brass knuckle to me. I punched her on the left side of her jaw.

"You are dismissed!" I said taking off my brass knuckles giving them to Karlos. She walked out the room holding her bloody jaw.

"I have a file for each of you to work on. Santiago would you be a dear and give me the files," I said. Pierre grabbed the files handing them to me. I passed each one out assigned by name.

"These are your tasks and you are to complete them on Friday by twelve midnight. If they aren't completed you will not be qualified to work for this company. All of you are dismissed," I said.

"Damn, you so sexy when you in charge," Pierre said. "Thank you. Why are you here?" I asked.

"I came here to apologize Hampton," He said.

"I don't need your apology Pierre," I said. I straighten out my dress walking away, before he grabbed my hand pulling me back. He held my waist pulling me close to him.

"I apologize for what I did Hampton. I never should've played with your life like that or even kissed you. I want us to be on good terms because I miss you," he said resting his forehead on mine, looking into my eyes.

I nodded my head. "Can I kiss you Hampton?" He asked. I nodded my head and he began to lean in. When he was a inch a way from my lips I jumped back.

"SIKE nigga!" I said laughing. "Stop playing so fucking much," he said pulling me back to him. I laughed and kissed his cheek. "You happy with that kiss?" I asked.

"No I want it on my lips," he pouted. I shook my head. "Well another one on the cheek." He said. I leaned in to kiss his cheek and he turned his head quickly pecking my lips.

"Stop playing Pierre. Why you really here?" I asked. "Well I wanted to see if I can take you out to dinner tonight?" He responded.

I sighed. "I have to look over the girls files and Marilyn and I planned on having drinks and I plan on getting drunk," I said.

"I dont think you need to get drunk," he said.

"I haven't had any fun in a while. And I plan on getting laid too. My pussy got cobwebs," I said playing with Pierre.

"The fuck? That shit ain't happening and I swear to God if you go do that shit I'm fucking you and that nigga up," he said with all seriousness.

"I'm just fucking with you dang you act like I'm your bitch and you my nigga," I said.

"You ain't going to be my bitch. Don't refer yourself to that anyway. You going to be my woman. My strong independent woman," he said gripping my waist. I didn't know how to respond.

"Pierre..," I said pushing him back a little, but he pulled me a back.

"Lost for words, love?" He asked. I smiled and shook my head. "No, I'm just ready to leave. I have to review the files," I said once again.

"I'll help you," he said. "No all you going do is his fantasize and focus on the girls' appearance," I said.

"Well the only thing I've been focused on was you and your appearance and they way you carry yourself," he said.

"Okay, but you have to bring me some food. To go from Wings Plus. Fifteen piece surprise me with Cajun fries and a large lemonade," I said.

"You already got some ass how much more you need girl," he said.

"Fuck you." I said.


I got up quietly off the couch trying not to wake Pierre. I slipped his phone out of his pocket and tip toed into my bedroom locking the door. I got my laptop that was put into a secret space.

I connected his phone to the laptop. I got pieces of tap and put them across the screen of his phone. 7634 the numbers read. I tried different patterns until I got the correct one unlocking his phone.

I downloaded all his pictures and files to my laptop. I got all his contacts too which was surprisingly not that many. In his call log he had many restricted numbers.

I clicked the restricted number trying to trace the code. 468292 was the code. The Location was from Colombia. I typed in the code and found out the phone belongs to a little boy.

I went into my closet finding my AMP voice recorders and slipped it into his battery space. "Hampton?" I heard Pierre say. I quickly closed my laptop and placed it back where it was and grabbed his phone stuffing it in my shirt.

"Yes?" I said coming out of my room. "You seen my phone?" He asked. "Maybe you dropped it in between the sofa," I said. I went into the living room pretending to look for his phone and sneaking it out of my shirt.

"Found it," I said handing it to him.

"I'm about to go love, I'll hit back at you later," he said hugging me. I hugged him back and he kissed my forehead before walking out the door.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Monroe's number. "I got it,"

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