Chapter One-The Party

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     Delilah was bored. Her uncle Bilbo was holding a party for his 111th birthday, and she couldn't dance, as she would look stupid, she didn't know how. She brother, Frodo, was trying to get her in better spirits, but all of his attempts failed. Then an idea dawned on Delilah. She would tell the young ones stories of her Uncle Bilbo, they always loved that, and seeing them smile made her smile. So she walked over to Bilbo, who was trying to stay animated well telling the story to the children, but was failing, it was obvious that all he really wanted to do was talk to his good friends, not tell stories to children. So she tapped him on the shoulder at a good point in the story. "I can take over if you'd like," she said to him, and he nodded his thanks. Then she started where he left off. "Then a sled, pulled by six rabbits, came through a clearing,  and the wizard called Radagast the Brown screamed until he saw Gandalf...," and this continued.

     Meanwhile, Pippin Took was drinking ale when he saw a beautiful girl telling a story to some children. He got a little closer, and her voice was angelic. He could tell she really cared about all these children, and that's when he recognised her. She was Delilah Baggins, the girl who was sitting on the sidelines depressed a few minutes ago. He couldn't believe that this fun, happy girl was the same as that bored, depressed girl he had seen just moments ago. She must love children. He thought to himself. He wondered what story she was telling, he wasn't paying attention the story, just her voice. As he listened he realized that this was his favorite part of his favorite story! The one where Bilbo helped the dwarves reclaim Erebor, and it was the part where Bilbo stands up to the wargs and the eagles come swooping in!

     Delilah told the story as if she were there, and she had heard it that many times that she knew every detail Bilbo had ever told. The children cheered when the eagles came, and Delilah paused. "That's enough for tonight, I'll tell you all the rest tomorrow after afternoon tea," she smiled a motherly smile at the children, and she felt a sense of someone watching her. She turned around for a moment and saw a male hobbit, about 30, looking straight at her. "Can I help you?" she asked.

     Pippin snapped out of his trance, realising that this beautiful girl was talking to him. He quickly thought of an excuse. "Um... I was just wondering how you knew the story so well?" he asked. Delilah scratched the back of her neck nervously.

     "Well... I tell that story to them everytime one of them has a birthday, or on a special occasion, so I've made a point to memorize every detail," she explained. Then she stuck out her hand. "Delilah Baggins," she introduced herself properly.

     "Peregrin Took, but most people call me Pippin," he took her hand, and instead of shaking it as Delilah expected, he placed a small kiss on the back of her hand. Delilah chuckled nervously and blushed.

     "How much have you had to drink?" she asked. "Or are you just a natural gentlemen?" Pippin shrugged. He didn't exactly know why he was acting like this around her, it might have been the drink, it might not have, but their moment, if there was one, was cut short by Frodo slinging his arm over Delilah's shoulder.

     "Is my sister bothering you Pip?" he asked. Delilah rolled her eyes.

     "You're the only one I ever bother," Delilah sassed, chuckling a bit as Pippin seemed a bit taken aback. He had never heard a woman, at least a proper lady, sass anyone. Then Merry nudged Pippin's shoulder. When did he get there? Anyways, Pippin got the message.

     "Nice meeting you Delilah," he said as himself and Merry ran off. A faint blush spread across her cheeks as he left, and this didn't go unnoticed by Frodo.

     "Does my dear little sister fancy Mr. Took?" he joked, and Delilah shoved him. That was when they saw the Firework go off. It formed into a dragon and came towards everyone in the party. People started to run and scream and Delilah and Frodo grabbed their uncle's arms.

     "Come, Bilbo! Get away from the dragon!" Frodo exclaimed.

     "Dragon? Nonsense, there hasn't been a dragon in these parts for a thousand years!" his voice wavered as he was pulled down by Delilah as the dragon came soaring above their heads. Everyone cheered as it erupted into a bunch of fireworks in the sky.

      A little later, people were egging people on for a speech, and Delilah knew what would happen, so she started to head home to Baggend. She heard gasps and shouts erupt from the crowd and knew that that was the last they would see of Bilbo for a long time.

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