Chapter 4: "Well were in trouble."

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[Jirous POV]

1:03 AM

I did the usual and stared at my phone mindlessly looking through playlists. I just gave up as all the songs I had weren't interesting, I sighed and turned off my phone. I stared out my window it was pitch black other than the shine of street lights and stars. I looked at the stars that were visible from the window "I wonder if Momo feels the same way..." I shook the thought out of my head "No, she's straight not gay." I looked at my door and wondered if we had hero training tomorrow.. That thought made me remember what happened at the USJ attack and I remembered what happened with Momo's costume and immediately blushed at the memory.

"Jirou stop it! For one second NOT have a gay panic!" I shook my head trying to forget the memory and moved on going back to my phone, I don't know what I was thinking but I texed Momo.

Jirou: "Hey. Are you awake?"

What was I thinking she's not gonna respond-

Momo: "Yeah.."


Jirou: "Can't sleep to huh?"

Momo: "Yeah.."

Jirou: "Do you wanna hang out?"

Momo: "Yeah I don't see why not."


Jirou: "Do you want me to come over to you or...?"

Momo: "Yeah you can come."

'well then.'

I get up and walk towards the door and put on my shoes before leaving.

usless time skip :D

I was at Momo's door taking a moment before making a fist with my hands and knocking on the door three times. I didn't get response. I waited patiently for a minute and then knocked again, this time I got the sound of someone walking coming closer towards the door. I heard the doorknob turn as I saw the door open to a tired Momo.
"Hey." I said nervously, I looked at Momo's eyes and saw something off about them. "Hi...Here come in" She said while opening the door slowly and gesturing me to come inside. I walked over to her bed and sat down watching her. (A/N not in some creepy way ._.)

Momo walked over to me and sat down next to me, 'to close.' I slightly blushed as she turned to face me. I think she noticed me blush at her because she blushed at me and turned away, I looked away and without thinking leaned against her shoulder feeling her tense up. I then felt her shift around before feeling one of her arms wrap around me pulling me closer, that made me blush. "Jirou..." 'oh sh-crap.' "Y-yes." my voice cracked from being both awkward and nervous ._. . "Can we watch a movie?" Momo said with an awkward tone, from what I could tell. "Sure..."

Momo got up no longer having her arm around me, making me miss her touch. I watched as she went over to her desk and grabbed her laptop before returning back. She sat down on the bed leaning against the wall. I looked at her as she leaned forward grabbing my hand, we stared at eachother before I felt and saw blush form on both our faces. She quickly and awkward moved her hand away from me...sadly. She then gestured me to sit next to her and so I did accordingly, I sat next her awkwardly blushing as she set up the laptop between us and putting on [whatever movie idk man.] I turned to her only to see us both staring at eachother..

I blushed and quickly turned away nervously, 'well crap I'm a panicing piece of SH-' My thoughts were cut off by Momo's arm wrap around my shoulders as she pulled me closer to her, I [gay] panicked even more. Without thought I snuggled more into Momo's side as hugged me tighter. I looked at Momo who was blushing like crazy and thats when I realized I was as well as we both made eye contact. We both stared at eachother as I felt myself get more comfortable until I felt fatigue(?) take over and everything faded into darkness.

[5:05 am]


I woke up, but not in my room 'where the f-rick am I...' It took me a minute before I realized where I was 'right Momo's room.' I looked around before I noticed there was an arm wrapped around my waist and someone who was sleeping next to me. I turned and saw Momo's face which was shining in the sunlight. (a/n or whatever idk)


Awkward level: 100,000,000,000

Gay panick level: INFINITY

Blush Count: [error 068]

Status: Dead.


I decided to try and just appreciate the moment while it lasted, I watched as Momo's eyes fluttered open and stared back at mine. I shifted my body to where I was facing her entirely she brought me closer, I brought my face closer to hers. 'WELL SH-' Our lips brushed before I heard a door slam open, "MORNING BIT-" We both in unison got up quickly and turned to the door surprisingly seeing the multi-colored hair emo boy Shoto Todoroki looking like a confused dog. All of us just stared at eachother awkwardly.






Todoroki slowly backed up out the door while not breaking eye contact and slammed the door and I heard footsteps quickly run away from the door.


I turned to Momo who looked back at me as we both had a look of confusion on what the heck just happened. Then realization hit us both at the same time and we both looked away embarrased and I quickly got up off the bed and walked out the dorm without saying goodbye.

[Todoroki's POV]

"MIDORIYA I NEED THERAPY" I broke down Midoriya's dorm room door only to hear a scream and then a dead Midoriya.




"I need therapy." I said staring at Midoriya's confused and scared face.

"Why...?" He asked even more confused then he was before. I sighed and picked up the broken door and sloppily put it back in the frame.
I turned to him remembering what I saw and stared at him with serious eyes scaring him more.

"W-well why do I need to give you 'therapy'." He asked.

"I walked in on Momo and Jirou..."


I stared at him in traumatised child and saw the gears turn until it clicked.

"O H S H I -"

[Jirous POV]


I walked back to my dorm blushing like crazy. 'Oh sh- I was cuddling with Momo-' I thought making me blush even more. I walked into my dorm thinking about what happened and sat down on my bed having a gay frickin panick.
I heard my door open to see Todoroki, Momo and Midoriya.

"What?" I said staring at Momo both making eye contact before looking away blushing furiously. "...Me and Sho- Todoroki kun are here just to clarify that we wont tell anybody about your relationship." relationship. I looked at Momo blushing at the word and saw her just blushing while just awkwardly standing next to Todoroki.
"No, no were not in a-" I was then cut off "I'M SORRY, JIROU AND MOMO ARE IN A WHAT." Everyone turned to the noise and saw...Hagakure.

Midoriya and Todoroki panicked quickly ran out the door closing the door behind them leaving me and Momo alone in my room.
"I swear I didn't tell them we were in a relationship, cause were not and- ." Momo said quickly almost panicking but I cut her off.


"What is it Jirou?"

"Hagakure overheard what Midoriya said."


"well were in trouble."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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