Her song

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Woah, it's been a while.

Hate me. Go on. I can take it.

*gets tomato thrown in face*

And you know, I mightn't have wrote or published this for about 2+ weeks if it weren't for a certain narwhal named @ShivyB

She's cooool. Yeah I put in 4 o's. she's just that cool.

So thank her :D

Enjoy :)

I wake up, gasping for air. I notice I'm in my bed. I sit up. Everything seems normal. Everything is peaceful.

"Sara," whispers a soothing and calming voice. My mothers voice.

I whip my head around to see her sitting on the edge of my bed with a weak smile on her face.

"Mom!" I exclaim, "I had the worst nightmare! There was this ghost thing and it killed you and it held Jade captive and -"

I'm cut off by my mom singing a soft lullaby. I smile weakly and feel myself instantly calm down. Then I hear the words she's saying repeatedly in the song.

"I am going to get you,

I am going to find you."

My eyes widen and there is a glint of red in her eyes.

Suddenly everything dissolves and I am standing in a preschool.

I am standing in an empty hallway full of colourful pictures and drawings by young kids. Everything is silent. Then, I hear a soft noise in the distance. I follow it.

I find myself in a room full of kids, but they don't seem to notice me, they carry on with their games. I smile. Then suddenly all the colour in the school is drained and everything is black and white. Everything is frozen except from one little girl playing the piano and looking at me evilly under the blanket of hair that covers her face.

"I am going to get you,

I am going to find you."

Then she finishes her piece and I find myself slowly walking over to her, no matter how scared I feel.

"W-who are you?" I choke.

She looks up at me, with a blank expression on her face.

Then she screams a blood-curdling scream.

I wake up screaming and realise I'm on the street outside Jade's house. Everywhere is silent.

What about Jade? Why is she so silent? She was screaming...

No. She's not...


I feel a severe pain in my right leg and see it stained in blood. How long was I out? It's still dark.

I look up at one of the windows in Jade's house and see a dark figure pass it. My eyes widen. I try and ignore the stinging pain in my leg and run... limp, to wherever my legs take me.

I continue running until I feel too weak to carry on.

I fall to the ground and gasp for air. Where the hell am I?! Everything is black. All is visible is shadows.

Then as I whimper with the pain in my leg I see a figure. A little girl in a white dress. She looks down on me. She has pale skin and blood around her eyes. There is a small trail of blood coming from one eye.

Oh my god. She cries blood.

She then smiles at me.

"I found you."

Woah that was short. And if you don't know; this is now a short story.

There's not much left.

Happy 2013! (From 17 days ago lol)

Whatcha think? Eh, eh?... No? *awkward cough* okay then...

Hah yeah, thanks for reading :D


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