Chapter four ⁴ | Doyun of the Wahan Tribe

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These Saram men had built a pathway on top of the sea of tears, Something no tribe here in Lark would have done, though as the Wahan Tribe and other tribes walked across the long pathway that would take a while to cross Doyun looked down at the sea of tears.

The level of the sea of tears had risen since the time Eunseom and his mother had cross but not by much though enough that it was now impossible to cross by foot even with shoes.

Doyun had never seen so many of the tribes in Lark gathered together, heartbroken this is the way he ended up having to see it. Doyun had always ever since he was a young child hoped that tribes could always have good relationships together and be able to pass through other tribes easily without problems.

As they walked Tanya and Doyun were side by side and their mother was just in front of them. Though they'd been placed in those two-person small thin ladder-like contraptions again. Choseol because of her injury was having trouble falling onto her knees causing the person in front of her on the same wooden contraption to go down too.

Seeing this both Tanya and Doyun automatically kneeled down next to their mother worried for her, the people partnered with the twins kneeling as well understanding the important situation.

"Mother." Both twins called out to their mother in sync. Tanya's arm brushing against her mothers noting how warm she was not sure if it was from the injury her mother had or from the acidic warmth wafting in the air from the sea of tears.

"Mother Choseol you're burning up. Are you okay?" Tanya asked worriedly while Doyun looked down at Choseol's bloodied side hoping to get a glimpse to see if it was bleeding again or if it was from the wound itself.

"I'm okay. I'm fine. I just tripped." Choseol said trying to be strong, her voice was raspy.

Someone yelled for them to get back up again which they all listened and got up though Doyun eyed his mother wishing his hands weren't tied and could help her up.

"Excuse me, there are no more roads if you go this way. Where are you taking us?" Yeolson the leader of the Wahan Tribe asked one of the men in front of them.

"How interesting. How can dujeumsaengs speak our language?" The man asked out loud curious about the fact the oldish man, Yeolson seemed to know their language.

"Can you tell me where you're taking us? It's going to be a dead end. We won't be able to go left or right." Yeolson asked and claimed seeing as the great black cliff stood in the way.

"I know that. We are going up. Up there." The man simply stated as if it was obvious pointing towards something in the distance.

"But only birds can go up that distance..." Yeolson claimed some people agreeing with him from his tribe but his sentence died down once they rounded the corner of a part of the great black cliff.

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