C h a p t e r 1 6

535 23 1

Autumn's POV

Dinner is something I consider a success, mainly because I’m lucky enough to not have a hard time eating a normal portion of food. That would have definitely made my family suspicious, especially because I know that them being in a mafia means they are far more observant than a regular person; something that I can hide from an average person will not go unnoticed by these people.

This is the exact moment I promise myself that I will protect my secrets at all cost and leave my past behind as a whole. Maybe it's the fact that I want them to treat me like a normal child and not someone with a whole list of different childhood traumas, or the fact that I don't want them to blame themselves for all I had to go through in my life at all; it wasn't their fault after all.

My injuries will definitely take weeks to heal and as soon as they do I'm in the safe zone. I make a mental note to avoid any situations that would allow them to see any of my injuries other than my left arm because as good at lying as I am, I have not thought about making up a story as to how I got the bruises and the lines the knife left. I doubt I could make up a believable cover up story that they would buy.

All throughout dinner I saw the boys throw curious glances towards the cast on my arm yet none of them asked any questions up until Damian finally did just a few seconds ago.

„What happened to your arm?”

I make sure to make eye contact as I answer to let them know I'm not lying, even though I am. I want them to believe I'm telling the truth and for that I have to look as honest as possible -avoiding eye contact is always a sign of lying.

„I fell while playing soccer a couple days ago.”

I see him nod along, then he furrows his eyebrows a little bit later in what seems to be confusion.

„I didn't know you played soccer in school?” he asks sounding surprised. We talked about our hobbies during dinner and I mentioned that there isn't any after school activities that I found interesting enough to join, so I understand his confusion.

„Well, that's because it's not in school. We play on the street, with chalk lines we draw on the concrete and the goal is usually marked by buckets. It's fun enough this way too.” I explain smiling. I miss playing with other children, hopefully once I heal I will be able to go back and have a few matches.

„Ahh, that sounds fun. But does your arm hurt? Are you in any pain? If you are let me know, I can help you, I'm a doctor.” he rushes out with concern clear in his voice. I take this moment to remind myself to be even more careful around him because him being a doctor means he pick up on the smallest signs of pain easily.

„No, I'm okay. If it hurts I will let you know, okay?” I reply and I can tell it puts him at ease by the way his muscles seem to relax. He doesn't need to know that I'm in pain as we speak and that I would most certainly not be asking anyone for help either.

„Alright Autumn, you can go unpack if you want to. Should we go to the mall for decorations and clothes today after you are done or do you want to go tomorrow?”

I take a couple seconds to think about my answer before saying anything.

„I think I want to unpack and we will see how I feel afterwards. I don't think I need any more clothes than what I already have, to be honest so we might only need decorations and paint." I answer. Hopefully I won't have a hundred shirts by the end of that shopping trip because I really don't need that many, and judging by the way they said they want to spoil me I have no doubts I would end up with a hundred at least.

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