Chapter 11

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I sit next to Lydia outside the police station, one hand holding onto hers for reassurance, the other tapping on to the wooden desk. As soon as we hear the sound of a door close, our attention is turned to the man walking out of it.

"What did she say?" Lydia ask Sherrif Stilinski.

"Hard to tell. There were words. I'm not sure there were actual sentences."

I sigh, "Nothing."

"I think we need a psychologist Or a medium." He says while picking up the phone and holding it between his shoulder and ear.

"Is she even competent enough to be charged with something?" I ask.

"If Meredith is The Benefactor, then that means she was competent enough to trick Kate into opening the Hale Vault, competent enough to blackmail Brunski into helping her, and competent enough to create a hit list and pay out money for its completion. This girl's practically a criminal mastermind." He tells us, placing the phone back down.

We turn our attention to the inside of the office, Meredith locking eyes with us then turning back around.

"There's gotta be a reason why she would do this." Lydia says softly, almost in a whisper.

"I'm only interested in the 'why,' if it tells me the 'how.'"

"You mean how to stop it."

"After what happened to Scott tonight, this thing's still going. The payments could be automatic. And as long as the killers are getting paid, and paid very well, that list is gonna keep getting smaller."

"We don't just need to stop the dead pool." I say, looking at both of them.


I jolt up off of Lydia's shoulder when I hear a door close and people walk out the room.

"I thought I told you two to go home." Sherrif says, sitting in the empty chair beside myself and Lydia.

"I thought I told you we weren't going anywhere." Lydia says.

I look back at Meredith, "Did they get anything out of her?"

"Should have gone with the medium."

All three of us sign and from the corner of my eyes I see Parrish walk out into the hall we are in.

"We went through everything in Brunski's office, and so far everything amounts to pretty much nothing." He speaks, causing us all to stand up.

"Did you not go home yet?" He asks when he notices me and Lydia, still in the same clothes he last seen us in.

"Not until Meredith starts talking."

"Lydia, Ariana, I promise she'll talk, and when she does, I'll let you know.
Trust me on this. Everybody talks eventually." Sheriff says, beside us.

"Then let us try." I say.

"No, we've already discussed this."

"We've gotten through to her before. Just let us try."


"I think I'm getting an idea of how all this happened. You used Brunski, right? You knew he'd killed people, and that he would do it again." I stop talking and sit next to Meredith, looking her deep in the eye before continuing.

"He used our grandmother's code for the dead pool. He put it online.
He took the money from the Hale Vault, then turned the bearer bonds into cash. He made the payments. Was it Brunski's idea to fake your death? Did he get nervous because you helped us with one of the cipher keys?"

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