Chapter 5.

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I pulled into my driveway trying not to seem suspicious to my neighbors. It was hard though because Beth was calmly saying to me the whole ride, "faster, we don't know where he is." Way to keep me relaxed. I was nearly flooring the pedal the whole time.

Beth and I sprinted into my house, when we were inside. This wasn't a matter of just keeping Beth safe. If her ex husband saw me he'd probably kill me. His mugshot was creepy as hell.

"I'm going to be sick," choked Beth.

She ran to the bathroom, and I held her hair back. I knew it was all nerves though. In a situation like that nobody would be anywhere close to normal.

"It's okay. We'll be alright. Don't worry too much. The police are after him as we speak," I said trying to console her, although I didn't really know what was happening.

It was 10:31 now. Beth and I sat in silence for over an hour, just trying to process what we saw a little while earlier.

"There's something you should know, Grayson."

My stomach jumped when I heard Beth say that.

"What, what is it?"

She started to hyperventilate and burst into tears.

"I think I knew he was coming for me."

"Beth, honey, don't be crazy. I'm sure-," she yelled, breaking my sentence.

"No! You actually don't know. It was in his fucking letters, Grayson. That's why I left in the first place."

"What did he say, and why wouldn't you tell me this sooner, Beth!"

I realized that yelling back at her wasn't a good idea. It was better to have her explain.

"I'm sorry! I thought I wouldn't ever have to deal with him again, okay?"

"No, no, no. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. Tell me what his letter said. Please, babe."

"Fine. But you can't get mad."

"Beth. I'm not going to. I am here to protect you now."

"Okay. Well in the last letter he ever sent came from one of his friends. It was written prior to every other letter I got. The last sentence was," she stopped, trying to keep from vomiting and crying," it said, 'I'm still in love with you Beth. I'm coming for you baby.'"

"Wait. That was sent to the apartment you're living in now. Before you even moved?" I said, barely able to control my emotions toward that.

Beth burst out in a cry,"Yes! Because he knew what would happen. He knew about me probably wanting to get a divorce. He knew I was afraid of him. He knew the whole fucking time Grayson! And now we're here. Yelling at each other because of me not taking caution."

In my mind I was raging but on the outside I could only try and make her settle down.

"This is not your fault Beth. It's his fault for doing this to you."

In her eyes she looked mentally and physically exhausted. I'm surprised she didn't collapse by now.

I said to her,"We should get some rest, you need it, I need it. And we'll be okay. He doesn't know me."

"So we think. But yes, I'm tired. Thanks for doing this. I love you."

"This shouldn't have to be thanked, I would do it any day if you were in danger. I love you too Beth."

We dragged ourselves up the stairs to my bedroom and crawled under the comforter. Beth was out in seconds. Poor thing. Now we could wind down for the night. I didn't even remember placing my head on my pillow. That's how fast I fell asleep.

It was 3:19 in the morning when I awoke to a blood curdling scream. Beth.

My mind was still in a daze but I saw her get seized from my room. I ripped the blankets from my body and bolted out the door, leaping down the whole flight of stairs, which I didn't know I was able to do. Thankfully I didn't get hurt.

"Beth!" I shouted as I saw her struggling to free his grip when he shoved her into my car.

Oh my god. My car. He stole my car too. I snatched my other car keys from the hook and clicked the button to open the garage. When I saw my other car, I noticed the oil tank was leaking. Bastard thought ahead. It wouldn't drive for long but I needed to get Beth back.

I remembered that a few weeks ago I went to a shooting range with Matt, Kyle and James. My gun was still in the back. Praise my forgetfulness.

We were speeding down an old road that led to the pier. I was at least half a mile behind her ex husband, but I saw him pull over.

Oh shit. "What is he going to do to her?" I asked myself.

I pressed my foot down as hard as I could on the gas pedal. About twenty yards away from them the engine blew on my car. Good thing it got me this far.

I launched my body to the backseat where my handgun was along with my twenty-two. I chose the handgun for the easy load. Running faster and faster, I felt my adrenaline pumping through my veins, then I saw him pull Beth out of the back seat.

"Don't you lay another fucking finger on her, I'll blow your damn head off," I hissed.

"Oh yeah. If you pull. Then I'll pull too."

He pulled out another hand gun from his back and placed it right on Beth's temple.

"What makes you think you get to love my wife. Huh? Grayson."

The sound of his voice was worse than nails on a chalkboard. Dark and evil.

"She's not your wife anymore asshole. Let her go!"

"Whatever you say."

He then slammed Beth's body on to the gravel road. Her eyes looked at me with pure terror. Her ex crouched down above her and ripped the duct tape he stuck on her mouth before driving away. Beth's lips started gushing blood, and she let out a scream, hoping anyone else could hear.

He clutched her mouth and angrily said,"You still love me, right baby? Of course you do. Well I never stopped loving you either."

I locked the bullet into place of my gun walking steadily towards him.

"Don't take another step," he growled at me.

I couldn't help myself any longer. I hurled my body towards him, but he spun around and punched me right in my nose. It was damn well broken. Blood was oozing everywhere.

I went out cold for only a few moments when I heard one last scream from Beth, which was cut off by a gunshot. At that time, I sprung up from the rocks below me, and in slow motion all I saw was Beth's head, bleeding profusely.

My hand was shaking, and I pointed my gun towards her killer, but before I could pull the trigger, he shot himself right in the heart.

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