free falling

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A lot of the bastards wondered how you two met, you knew each other before the initial introduction to Aldo. The two exchanged knowing smiles, and the intimidating sergeant gave the girl an affectionate noogie, messing up your  hair. The group had only about a day to get to really know each other before they would be diving into the heart of Nazi occupied France. You was their medic, since it came to light that Wicki had been an eye doctor, not an actual field medic. 

Donny was enjoying the breeze, not excited for jumping out of the plane. He could do it, but the Bostonian was terrified of heights. What if his parachute didn't come out? Or he was shot mid-air? Falling to his death seemed like the worst way to die, aside from probably dying with your pants down. He was snapped out of his trance by your voice. "Donny, what's-a-matter?" You inquired as she packed the rest of the med bag. You had quite a bit more to carry than the rest of the team, another entire backpack of supplies to jump off with. "Oh, just daydreaming.", he lied.  Knowing better, you zipped the final pocket of the bag shut. Grabbing his elbow, you beckoned him off away from everyone else. The other basterds were laughing around a fire outside, enjoying one of the last actual meals they'd have for a while. You munched on your sandwich, and leaned on his arm. 

You had a feeling in your gut you knew what this was about, but didn't wanna pressure him or make him seem any less of a man for it. "You remember infantry school, right?" You laughed, leaning back. "How could I forget?" You never forget the adrenaline you feel jumping out of a plane for the first time, it's unmatched to anything. Donny let out a breath and you could feel him tense up. "I never got over my fear of jumping out of those planes, just let myself go into free-fall mode. They were small jumps, never anything this high up." You leaned down to look him in the eye. "Donny, I was with ya during infantry school, and I'll be right beside you the whole time during this. I promise, during this whole thing I'll never leave your side." You saw him crack his little smile/smirk, and you felt better. "Promise?" "I ever lied to you, Donowitz?" 


It was now time to start flying. parachutes strapped to everyone's backs. The pilot took off, and Donny's hand flew to your arm. His grip was stiff, but not strong enough to hurt you. Might leave a little bruise, but with the trees y'all would inevitably fall into, he wouldn't be able to tell and feel bad. About an hour and a half passed, and they hit extreme turbulence. Donny's hand became sweaty, clenching around your arm tighter. You didn't show your wince, not wanting him to feel even worse right now. "Donovan, look at me." His head snapped to the side. He swore, you were the only one that could get away with saying his first name. "We're gonna be okay, you'll be okay. If worst comes to worst and your parachute doesn't launch, just grab onto me." You tried to be quiet, but loud enough that he could hear it over the sound of the plane. Donny smiled faintly, his face pale, but it quickly went away at the sound of Hirschberg's voice. 

"What was that?" It sounded like a bunch of bees attacking the hull, and everyone heard Aldo cuss loud. A few seconds later, there was a loud boom. You looked out of the window, eyes widening. The left wing of the plane was on fire. Y'all were being shot at! "Change of plans! We's-a jumpin out now!" Aldo threw the door of the plane open, and everybody lined up. Out went Ulmer, Wicki, Kagan, Hirsch, and it was down to you, Donny and Aldo. Aldo sighed, yelling profanities to Donny to jump already. Grabbing his hand, you ushered him towards the edge. 

"DONNY, IF YOU DON'T JUMP YOU'LL GO DOWN WITH THE PLANE. C'MON, TOGETHER." He seemed to snap out of the trance, and pushed the both of you out of the plane. Both parachutes deployed without a problem, like you guessed, you all landed in trees. Cutting your strings, being grateful there were no Nazis around, the bastards all set up camp. Everybody made a can of beans, or something similar and set their tents up. Nightfall was settling, and you looked for Donny. 

"How ya holdin' up Sarg?" He looked up at you from his spot, arms folded and leaning on the tree. "I'm good, corporal. Thanks." He wasn't good, it seemed. You tip-toed up to him, slender fingers racking up and down his sides, quick enough to move away from his swinging arms but slow enough to get a good laugh out of him. "You feelin' better now, sugar?" He smiled genuinely and rolled his eyes. "Sure am, doll-face." Hirsch gagged, close enough to hear you both. "Y'all married or something?" Shooting him a malicious glare, Donny took a step toward him, which caused the younger Jew to scatter. 

It had been one adrenaline filled day, and you were tired. You stripped of your outer coat and boots, curling up in your sleeping bag in your tent. You were sleeping pretty soundly until you heard the sound of your tent unzipping. You didn't even turn the lantern on, grabbing your knife and getting ready to stab whatever intruder. "Jeeze! Sorry, wrong tent." Now, finally, you could sleep peacefully. 

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