0.1 » blue

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Kaity had always loved looking at the ocean. She adored watching the waves crash and eat their way across the sand. She reveled in the feeling of the salt water rippling over her toes. Times like these, when Kaity stood in front of the infinite expanse of water, she loved living in Hawaii.

She took a deep breath, her eyes falling shut as she listened to the constant roar of the ocean. It was one of her favorite sounds in the world.

“Kaity!” She heard, her eyes snapping open as she turned to where the sound had come from. She instantly saw her best friend, Neely, running towards her. “Are you coming? We’re all ready to go!” Neely said, standing beside her best friend, nudging her elbow slightly.

“Yeah,” Kaity answered, taking one last look at the sea in front of her. “I’m ready to go.” Together, the two girls ran back onto the beach to the waiting car. Neely’s boyfriend, Dillon, was driving and two other people were awaiting them in the car.

Neely threw open the door, sliding in beside Shawn, making enough room for Kaity to join in. The moment the door was slammed shut, Dillon hit the gas, speeding away from the small beach near their home.

“I didn’t know you were coming,” Dillon said, meeting Kaity’s brown eyes in the rear-view mirror. He didn’t mean to offend her; he was just confused as to why she was tagging along. What they were going to do, Kaity couldn’t exactly participate in.

Kaity simply nodded, turning her gaze out the clear glass window, her eyes on the horizon, watching as the palm trees zoomed past them.

“Leave her alone, Dill,” Neely said, smacking the back of his headrest. “She can come with if she wants to.” Dillon and Neely went back and forth with their incessant bickering, but Kaity knew how much they loved each other behind all of their arguing.

Shay reached forward and turned up the radio, trying to drown out the sounds of Dillon and Neely’s quarrelling. Kaity found herself bobbing her head along to the music, getting lost in her mind again. She found, times passes a lot quicker when that happens; and she didn’t mind.


Forty-five minutes later, the five of them arrived at Waimea Bay. Dillon pulled into an empty parking spot, Kaity taking notice that there actually weren’t a lot of cars to begin with. Some of them had surfboards strapped to the top of them, and others were just bare.

Everyone piled out of the SUV, grabbing their belongings out of the trunk before starting down the path. A light breeze was blowing through, ruffling Kaity’s long, curly hair behind her as she walked. Her eyes found the horizon again, counting the seconds between each set of waves.

There wasn’t many today and she was glad. Her friends would be safer this way. Dillon and Shawn raced down the gravel path towards the beach. She watched the ocean as she walked, spotting a few surfers working the waves as they got closer to the shore.

She turned her attention back to her friends when she stubbed her toe on a rock. “Ouch,” she muttered as she stepped onto the soft sand. She looked up from her toes to find that the beach was practically vacant.

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