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You wake up with a single beam of sunlight peaking through your F/C curtains and shining directly in your eye. You grab the blanket and pull it over your head to get the sunbeam out of your eyes. It soon gets too hot under the blanket, so you kick it off of yourself and sit up stretching. You look down and realize that you are still wearing your clothes from the day before. Sighing, you climb out of bed and change into sweatpants and a F/C tank top. A loud crash can be heard from downstairs. You hear panicked footsteps scrambling up the stairs and a scared Goldy busts through the door.

"Y/N!!!" Goldy yells with a panicked look in his eyes.

"What happened Goldy? I heard a crash coming from downstairs." You reply casually with your arms crossed over your chest.

"I think it's better if you
Just come take a look for yourself. You wouldn't believe me if I told you what happened." He says, taking frequent glances down stairs.

"Goldy? What's going on?" You ask, hesitation entering your voice.

"Go down stairs and look for yourself." He says, stepping out of your doorway in the process.

You look at him worriedly and slowly make your way past him. Step by step you move down the stairs and soon come face to face with an all too familiar scene. The living room looked exactly what it looked like the night your father found out that you knew what he did to those poor children. You slowly walk into the living room and look at all the damage you will have to fix once again. You hear Goldy coming down the stairs and turn around to face him.

"What happened here? Did someone break in?" You ask curiosity filling your voice.

"Someone did break in. They shouldn't have been able to though." He asks while glancing around the house worriedly.

"Why shouldn't they be able to?" You ask hesitantly.

"Because they should be dead." He says like its obvious.

"W-what do y-you mean they s-should be d-dead??" You ask, fear clearly present in your voice now.

"I watched the guy die. He's somewhere in the house right now, I don't know where though. So we should probably get out of here before he comes back in here." He says, inching towards the door.

Before you have a chance to ask who is inside the house, they bust through the back door. The person is clearly a male. He's covered in blood, mud, and tattered clothing. He's got a beat up base ball bat in one hand and is leaning to one side like her has a hunch on his back. His head is hanging low so you are unable to see the mans face. All you can see is a demonic grin sweep across his face and a demonic laugh come out of his mouth.

"Well hello there. Nice to see you again dear Y/N. Did you miss me?" They man asks without lifting his head.

"I don't even know who you are." You say. You start backing towards the door where Goldy already stands waiting.

"Don't you recognize me? I've known you for so long. I may have not liked you very much, but I've known you since the second you born." The man says taking a slow step forward again.

"No I don't recognize you. I can't see your face." You say, continuing to back towards the door.

"My dear Y/N. Can't you recognize your own Father?" He says, lifting his head for you to see his face. It's gruesome, with slashes all over it and dried blood coating it thickly.

"You should be dead." You say, bumping into Goldy.

"If only you knew the truth about everyone around you. Maybe you wouldn't be so trusting." He says taking another few steps closer.

"What are you even talking about?" You say, pushing yourself and Goldy towards the door and away from the creepy man that calls himself your father.

"You will soon know my sweet Y/N. Why don't you run back to your little robot Fox? I'm pretty sure he wants to finish what he's started." He says with a sly grin and a deadly sparkle in his eyes.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT???" You yell at the guy. A light blush creeping onto your cheeks.

The man laughs and looks at you with a grin that could give a child nightmares for eternity. "You would be surprised at what I know about your life dear Y/N. Which is why I must warn you. If someone else doesn't get to you first, I will come after you."

After that you can't handle it. This man is freaking you out. You push past Goldy and run outside and to your vehicle as fast as your feet will take you. You whip the door open and start the car, you watch as Goldy hops in the front seat and pulls his belt on quickly. You pull out of the driveway and speed towards the pizzeria, tears streaming down your face.

IM BACK!!!!!!! I'm all better and can actually right something that makes sense. In all my sickness I realized that I may need one or two (maybe more, don't know for sure yet) OC's for the new Bonnie X Reader. If I don't use your OC right away, doesn't mean I won't use it at all. I am going to write down every OC you send in, in a notebook and I will keep them for future use in the book. So, if you want to send one in, just give me this basic information on the OC.


That's pretty much it. (Add anything else you think I will need if you want to) I also need to know if you guys want this one to be set in the first or second game. (I won't do the third yet, I'm still doing some research into it so I won't write anything in that one until I get all needed info on it). I'm not sure when the next chapter of the prequel will be out yet either. I've been too focused on this one to continue writing that one. That's everything Little Foxes, I'll see you in the next chapter!!!

Falling For You Sequel to Falling For FoxyWhere stories live. Discover now