What Went Down at the Pizzeria

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Bonnie's P.O.V

"Hey Bonnie, do you think we will be able to get Foxy back for Y/N? Or are you happy with the way things are right now?" Goldy asks, eyebrows raised.

"Ya, you seem to be more happy now that Foxy's gone. Are you actually going to try and get him back for her?" Freddy asks, jogging up beside me.

"Of course I'm going to try and get Foxy back. Yes, I am really enjoying the fact that Y/N comes to me now. But my number one priority is keeping her happy. If that means I get Foxy backs, then I do exactly that." I reply back, a bit angrily.

"Are you going to go back to the old grumpy Bonnie that you were before? When Foxy was around?" Goldy asks curiously.

"No. I can't. Not with the baby coming soon. I may not be its father, but I still want the baby to grow up in a happy home. If I'm grumpy all the time, it may have a bad effect on the baby and I don't want that." I reply quickly and swiftly. Afraid of what their reaction to my words will be.

"Wow Bonnie. I think you may end up being the baby's favourite Uncle." Freddy tells me, small smile playing on his face.

"Uncle?" I ask quizzically. Confused on what they meant by it.

"Well Ya, once the baby is born we all become Aunt's and Uncle's. We are all family. So we are all Aunt's and Uncle's to this child." Goldy pipes, excited over the whole thing.

"I guess that makes sense, but I honestly think that right now we should focus on getting the child's father back." I snap, picking up my pace to get to the pizzeria quicker.

"All right Bonnie. We will start focusing on the task at hand now. But don't think for a second that we are just going to drop this subject. We will be coming back to it because we know you already have a soft spot for the baby." Freddy playfully says, the smile returning to his face once again.

"Fine. Let's just get to the pizzeria and get Foxy back. Ok?" I say a bit annoyed.

"All right Bonnie. Chill. We are right beside you and we haven't stopped walking yet now have we?" Goldy says, running a bit ahead of me to make his point.

"Let's keep going then." I say, a smile creeping it's way onto my face.

~Time Skip~

After another ten minutes of walking, we finally reached the pizzeria. I look to either side of me and notice that Freddy and Goldy are both already tuckered out from just walking here. Me however, I am full of energy. I am excited to get inside. I a, actually hoping that Nick is inside so I can give him a piece of my mind.nobody threatens Y/N without some sort of punishment. A couple of good punches and one or two broken bones and I will be satisfied. He just needs some sort of punishment for trying to kill someone. It's not even for a good reason. Why would you kill the kid? Wouldn't it make more sense to kill the father that had created the bond between the two of them? But, there's nothing I can do now but give the guy a piece of what he deserves.

"Bonnie, you ready to head inside and see what awaits us?" Goldy asks me tiredly.

"I'm ready whenever you guys are." I reply a bit too happily.

"You seem excited to go in, so let's go in before you lose that ball of energy you seem to have." Freddy says smiling.
"Let's go in then." I tell the two of them, already moving towards the front door.

The other two follow behind me closely, also ready to go inside and retrieve Foxy back. We all reach the door in seconds, and I put my hand on the handle. I pull the door open and we all step inside of the pizzeria.

Inside the pizzeria is busy. Except, there is no customers inside. It's just the workers and the animatronics in their human form. Nick and Allen are also there, lost in the bustle of everybody preparing for something. But one person is missing that should be there. Foxy. He is no where to be found among all the people moving around in front of me. Nick is the first person to notice us. He stops what he was doing and walks over to us with his arms crossed.

"What are you three doing here? Or did you come here hoping up get Y/N's Fox back?" He asks smugly.

"We are here for the Fox you Dumbass. Now you can just let hi go without us fighting you, or you can fight us and lose, and we still get Foxy. So either way we win and you lose." I tell him, taking a fighting stance as I do.

"How about we let Foxy decide where he goes. I think he should be the one to decide if he stays here, or goes home to Y/N with you guys." Nick says playfully.

Just as he finishes his sentence, Foxy also out of the kitchen. But he doesn't look like the same Foxy that had run from the house all those months ago. His eyes are no longer amber, they are now blood red.

"What the hell did you do to Foxy, Nick?" Freddy growls.

"I just had some fun with his wiring is all. Now he does whatever I say without question." Nick says grinning.

"Turn him back Nick. Y/N needs him. The baby needs him." Goldy tells him, hoping it will help change his mind.

"Fight me for him then. The winner gets Foxy." He taunts back at us.

"You're on." I say back at him.

I pick up a chair that's sitting beside me, and hurl it straight at his face. He dodges it and promptly picks up another one and throws it right back at me. I dodge it, the. Everyone else joins in on the fight. The room seems to split into two teams. Mine and Nick's. Nicks team involves himself, Allen, Mangle, Balloon Boy, Toy Freddy, Drake, and Foxy. On my side, there's me, Freddy, Goldy, Alkia, Monique, Kat, Wolfy, Toy Bonnie, and Toy Chica. I smile as I realize that we have him outnumbered. The fight goes on for quite awhile. Soon, the pizzeria is completely trashed and everyone has cuts and bruises, along with blood coming from them. After some more time goes on, something surprising happens. Y/N and Chica walk through the front doors. The fight stops as .everyone stops and looks at the two of them.

Out of nowhere, Y/N yells, "What the hell have you done to my Foxy?!?!" At Nick.

"I played with his wiring a bit. Don't worry, I can easily reverse it and make him go back to normal. But I won't do that until you're dead." Nick tells her casually.

I watch her as a small, playful smile comes across her face.

"You loved my mother didn't you Nick? Alley. You remember her right? The one who took her own life?" She asks playfully.

"Yes, I loved your mother. I was devastated when I found out she had killed herself." I watch him say to her.

"What would happen if I told you I found a letter that she wrote before she killed herself?"she asks him.

"I'd ask to read the letter." He replies, a bit confused.

"Well, it's right here so go ahead and read it. She wanted you to read it anyways." She tells him, holding out a piece of crumpled paper to him.

Nick walks over and takes the paper from her. A couple minutes go by then he looks up at her. He drops the letter to the ground and walks over and wraps her in a hug. His body is shaking, which means he's probably crying. He pulls away and looks at her.

"I am so sorry Y/N. If I had known this, I would have never tried to kill you in the first place. It seems wrong for a father to kill his own daughter."

The entire pizzeria erupts into chaos once again as everyone is yelling and screaming. I however, think this is actually quite normal. Among the chaos, I notice something. I watch as Allen sneaks away from everyone and slips out the back way.

I wonder what he's up too

I shrug that thought off as I join in with all the yelling and screaming just because it's fun.

So, you guys get a double chapter today because I'm not sure when I'll be able to get another one up. I'm thinking it could be a couple weeks but I'm not sure. Well, no matter how long it Takeshita I'll hopefully still see you all in the next chapter.

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